View Full Version : Could i have some advice please?

03-07-07, 19:17
Hello there, i am freaking out now as i get my MRI results from my brain and neck scans tomorrow morning at 10am at the hospital. If i'm this frightened now what am i going to be like in the morning. I am so scared. Can anyone offer me any helpful advice please. I will be taking my hubby, a book, some water and my DS, but i know it is going to be so hard for me. It seems the more time goes on the more over sensitive and frighetened about more and more things i become, but i cannot start any therapy until i have my results, just incase i have a physical problem as well as PTSD and depression. Any help will be gratefully received, i am a wreck now!! Thankyou.x

03-07-07, 19:52

You will be fine I am sure and if it helps reassure you then NO-ONE at all on here has had bad results from a scan - all came back clear.

Don't worry about it ok - it will be all clear I am sure.

Good luck.

03-07-07, 20:34

I personally have had 2 MRI scans, 3 EEG tests that study brain waves and 2 cat scans and they have all come back normal except for the EEG's and I were told they are supposed to be abnormal for severe migraine sufferers. I had all these tests done all through the years for migraines to find out why I had them not to see if I had any other problem. You will be fine hun. Try and relax tonight. Huge hugs.


04-07-07, 13:39
Hope all went well today Angie hun. xxx

04-07-07, 13:57
How'd you get on hun??

Piglet :flowers:

04-07-07, 19:21
Well the scans were clear! But i was terrible, had to wait for two hours and had a massive panic attack in the hospital and got all upset and uneccessary!! Silly i know.
But i asked him all about my symptoms and he just shrugged his shoulder and said that he doesn't know and is referring me to a neurologist as he thinks it may be a problem with my muscles. So now another good few months wait to go through more tests. He is also referring me to a physiotherapist. So i suppose that's something. But he just does not know why i have the symptoms that i have and he says my scans were ok and nothing was pinching or anything. So i said so why have i got pins and needles now in my left hand and all the other symptoms? He does not know. But he said at least i don't need surgery! So, i just feel like i'm no further forward and got more waiting to do for another appt now to see another specialist. He never explained the weakness in my right arm, loss of a reflex above the elbow and a tremor in my left arm either. He was nice enough though i suppose, just not much help. But at least i can start some therapy now for my PTSD as my counsellor wouldn't do anything with me until i had the results back in case it was a physical problem. I've been to my gp and told her and she just looked at me and said and what do you want me to do now? Huh. I asked for some time off work to have therapy and get sorted and she said i was to sign myself off for a week and then go back to her next week for a sick note, but i just don't know what to do about that. I feel so guilty about having time off but loads of people say i should take a break. I cannot see my therapist when i am working as she works when i work, so that's one problem, then there will be physio appointment i suppose and then eventually an appointment with a neurologist, but all these things could take ages and i would end up having about 3 months off work. And i don't know how long i would have to see my counsellor for as that will only be once a week wouldn't it. How could i cope with having that much time off with my guilt and if i were to find another job at some point, they would frown on me for time off wouldn't they. Oh what do i do. I am supposed to be in work tomorrow and Friday and my aunty is being buried on Friday and i didn't tell anyone at work as i thought i would be diagnosed with something and be off work anyway. My mum wants me to go to the funeral and i know that i should go really, she was my aunty even though i haven't seen her for ages, but i don't know how i will cope with that either. Oh what do i do, i'm such a wreck right now and i have nowhere to turn. Ideas please.
A big thankyou to all of you that have been thinking about me today, i knew that you were sending me your best wishes and i just wish that i could have been a stronger person for all of you and i could have been fine and made you proud of me, sorry i made a fool of myself. This is NOT me at all!x

04-07-07, 22:23
Angie it was all the tension that had built up hun - we have to let it out somewhere. I often burst into tears when it builds up in me!!

Try and get a decent nights sleep and then you can think more clearly tomorrow about whether you feel up to the funeral or not.

Big hugs for dealing with a stressful day and a hug for the positives of the clear tests! :hugs: :yesyes:

Piglet :flowers: