View Full Version : Scared about lymphoma. Polish guy.

03-02-18, 01:28
Hello, first of all I want to say I am from Poland so my english isn't really good. It is good but compare to You I will probly make a lot of grammatic mistakes and some probly incorrect words so sorry for that. I am in depresion. I am depressed. From 3-4 years i study many diseases and illnesses, sickness or how should i call it. I got many sympthms its because of nerves its psychologic problems. But its just a part of that. Maybe i am worried too much once again, maybe this time I should be worried.

I wanted ask you something here because on polish sites there isn't much infomation about those lymph-glands problems.

My lymph glands/nodes :

30.05:: Left Submandibular :9x22mm
06.06 : Left Submandibular :8x22mm
12.06 : Left Submandibular :7x17mm
24.09 : Left Submandibular :7x22mm Right Submandibular :4x14mm
15.12: Left Submandibular :9x24mm Right Submandibular :7x19mm, some smaller max 5x10mm, some max 3x7mm - but 1 day after i had terrible infection. I Had quinsy/sore throat/strep throat/tonsillitis.

Morfology was fine ( i did 3 times) RTG first time was fine , the last one was something but not with lymph nodes.

I itch myself little bit.

Morfology was fine ( i did 3 times) RTG first time was fine , the last one was something but not with lymph nodes.

The most terrible thing is i found out a 10mm (i think) Supravicular node on left side. I am worried because it looks like circle. It is like mandarine ( you know that little orange ) if we talk about softness, it isnt like rock but isn't like jelly neither.

The interesting thing about it - IT MOVES AS HELL ! It can go like 3-4 cm. I can make you pic and tell you how big distance this lymph node (i guess it is lymph node) can make.

He moves as hell it's hard to catch it. This is weird. I got this from month i guess.

I go to USG once again but 3 days till this day.


Crying all the time, even pills don't help. Am I really sick? I am only 24 year old, I am so scared lost my lovely people around me.

Thank you for your time guys, I wish you all HEALTH, nothing else metters.

03-02-18, 02:07
I'm a head and neck cancer survivor and I can't make heads or tails of that :shrug: There not a medical profession that's a member that can tell you what that means to my knowledge.

You obviously got this from a scan/medical report. If the nodes were normal, What did the doctor say?

Positive thoughts

03-02-18, 10:05
I just went from Ultrasonography. Well they cannot find that lymph node i can feel easily . I dont know why. They found one in supravicular area but normal lymph node nothing "special" (thank God). Its weird. I can feel it, it jumps from below the collarbone to above collarbone and we tried to catch it with radiologist but couldn't. Only see some one about 6mm i guess which is normal he said.

Left Submandibular : 32x 10 ! big one... i had it like 20x10 for 6 months now its bigger but maybe it cuz i had terrible throat infection 3.5 week ago. Maybe they are still big because of that.

It's kind of relief but still scared... HEALTH TO YOU ALL GUYS !!!

BTW.. Offtopic .. I hope you all knew that there wasn't such a thing as Polish Death Camps. It was GERMAN Death Camps. I only want to say that cuz Jews now blame polish people for Holocaust while Poles saved a lot of Jews and the truth is Auschwitz was first of all for poles and russians, Jews came later (interesting thing). Maybe you dont hear about it now in your country but whole Poland is angry cuz ppl are trying to change history and make it fake !

03-02-18, 14:03
Why do you have such exact sizes on different dates? Do you own your own ultrasound machine ?!? Or are you guessing by feel?

03-02-18, 14:13

I was wondering the same...how on earth do you know the exact sizes of your glands? I mean, I barely know where mine are....let alone the sizes and what they should or shouldn't be. Are you giving us the results from some medical tests? (By the way don't worry about your English, its fine, I can make sense of it ok)

One thing you don't mention here is what your doctor has told you, I am presuming that you have had some medical checks done by professionals, who have ruled out Lymphoma (over the 3 -4 years you have said you have had this fear)?

or 6 months now its bigger but maybe it cuz i had terrible throat infection 3.5 week ago. Maybe they are still big because of that.Well, yeah, that's what glands are for, to fight infections, filter and kill off germs. So, that's what yours seem to be doing just fine.

07-02-18, 14:14
I know exatcly sizes of lymph glands cuz i was on ultrasonography those days. Device told me not my intuition :P

14-02-18, 19:24
I want to share with you my picture of lymph node. What you think? Maybe some of you studied subject...

Its 32x10mm... Does it look malignant to you?

https://image.ibb.co/mO1sBS/wezel.jpg (https://imgbb.com/)

14-02-18, 19:42
No idea, that could be an ultrasound of a baby in the uterus for all I know. ;o) You won't I'm sure get anybody here who can tell you if this is a malignant lymph node or not, this is a non-medical site. However, what have YOU been told about the image by the person/people who did the scan ?

14-02-18, 23:08
Well they told me to not worry about byut bro i got 32x10mm lymph node... how can i be not worried?

14-02-18, 23:36
how can i be not worried?

Because medical professionals and scientific medical testing have shown it to be nothing of concern? :shrug:

Bottom line is you can chase a diagnosis and/or get a second opinion or learn to accept the results of the tests.

Positive thoughts

19-02-18, 15:19
I feel "somtn" in my neck, in the left area when this node is. It feels like it's so big that make discomfort for me, some oppression. Is this my anxiety ?

19-02-18, 15:47
I honestly can't answer that tymbark. Besides not being a clinician, even if I was I can't see you or assess. There's only one way to find out...and that's make another doctor visit. There's no doubt that susceptible anxious people can imagine things, symptoms and even pains, for something that doesn't exist. OR they can poke and prod around and make something hurt. However, I can't say if that is what is happening here.