View Full Version : First Panic Attack In Years

03-02-18, 05:49
(sorry for long post!)

Hi Everyone. So, just this past Sunday night, I woke up and experienced my first pretty bad panic attack in years. Haven't had a legit panic attack like that since before I had gone on medication about 3 or 4 years ago.

I was pretty freaked out, but was able to calm myself down and go back to bed. The rest of the week I didn't wake up to another bad one - but in general, I've felt pretty shaky and have been experiencing "mini" panic attacks all week.

It's pretty frustrating since I haven't had this happen for years. I'm still on medication - 20mg Citalopram and it's worked VERY well for me since I've been on it. Helped make me feel essentially normal and how I was before I ever experienced anxiety/panic attacks.

I'm just curious - has anyone ever experienced this before? Feeling normal for years and then all of the sudden - BAM have a bad panic attack?

I'm hoping the reason I've been experiencing the general sense of "unease" this entire week is because my body has not experienced a full-on panic attack in years, so it's a little freaked out, but will gradually go back to normal.
I'd hate to have to go to my doctor and ask for a higher dose of medication.

Thoughts? Thanks in advance! :)

05-02-18, 09:23

This may sound strange but I had my very first attach 4 years ago ( 58 years old). They continued for a short while. I went to doctor and had blood tests and ECG. No physical problems but blood pressure was high.

Nothing for all this time until this Saturday when I felt unwell and lethargic. Blood pressure was high again and breathing difficult. Sunday was a better day but not perfect. I slept well last night.

Literally about an hour ago whilst at work I started to feel dizzy hot and very distant to what was around me and then the attack struck. Fortunately I did not panic and engaged the breathing exercises which stopped the attack.

I thought that after 4 years i was clear but obviously not. Now my mind is waiting next one.

Hope you get sorted soon. It is not pleasant.



05-02-18, 18:55
About a month ago, I experienced the worst attack in years. I'm under a lot of general stress, but that's nothing new, so I don't know why the panic came. Since it happened, I'm pretty much focused on it every day, waiting for the next one to come. I know that doesn't help and am talking about it with my therapist. It's frustrating because I used to be a pretty tough person and now I'm afraid all the time.

05-02-18, 19:44
Your problem is quite a common one Kelly and one that i've been trying to come to terms with through mindfulness.

Your mind is fearing the very thing that is designed to keep it and the body safe, fight or flight. The problem is that worrying about your fight or flight response isn't going to stop it from happening, it's a natural reaction that your body will do without any permission from you.
The thing that helps me through panic attacks is remembering that my mind and body are stressed, which is causing fear, which leads to the fight or flight response. It can't hurt me, quite the opposite infact, my body is doing what it thinks it has to do to keep me alive.

It will take time for it to pass, but it will ALWAYS pass and there is no need to fear it. While it is unpleasant, it is essential for our survival and we would be much worse off without it.

06-02-18, 14:48
Your problem is quite a common one Kelly and one that i've been trying to come to terms with through mindfulness.

Your mind is fearing the very thing that is designed to keep it and the body safe, fight or flight. The problem is that worrying about your fight or flight response isn't going to stop it from happening, it's a natural reaction that your body will do without any permission from you.
The thing that helps me through panic attacks is remembering that my mind and body are stressed, which is causing fear, which leads to the fight or flight response. It can't hurt me, quite the opposite infact, my body is doing what it thinks it has to do to keep me alive.

It will take time for it to pass, but it will ALWAYS pass and there is no need to fear it. While it is unpleasant, it is essential for our survival and we would be much worse off without it.

I will try to remember that it's the fight or flight kicking in. Thank you.

19-02-18, 20:11
Hi everyone! Thanks for your responses - I thought I’d give an update to how I’m feeling.

After I posted here, I found the free cbt4panic sessions and they helped me IMMENSELY while I was still going through panic attacks/very anxious thoughts and needed something to calm down. So very thankful for those!

After reading through some of the workbooks, I felt essentially normal again throughout the rest of the week and I was very happy about that. Unfortunately, on Sunday I freaked myself out about something that I normally would not have been very bothered by and I believe the effect of that was due to my fluctuating hormones - I ended up getting my period the next day.

Normally, my period does not give me anxious thoughts - it will occasionally make me feel more low/down. So, I believe bad timing was happening here. This past week was a struggle, but by Friday I felt much better. This whole past weekend was really good actually.

I’m hoping this week will continue to be good and I can then go back to normal. If not, I may schedule an appointment with my doctor and discuss whether I should increase my medication.