View Full Version : Anyone ever experienced anything similar?

03-02-18, 06:22
Hey Everyone,

I have never posted on here and I came across this forum to see if anyone else had experienced my type of symptoms before, however I haven't found anyone yet so I thought I would make a post!

I generally am a worried person however when it's come to health I usually don't worry very much, I just usually go to the GP if something hasn't corrected itself after a week or so and off I go. However after this event of stress and ongoing symptoms is safe to say i now have maximum Health Anxiety

For about 12 months and still currently have muscle twitches head to toe, never really bothered me (didn't get them checked). In November last year after a very stressful time i developed a chronic left thumb twitch as well as the others still. It lasted 5 weeks and in this 5 week period my right thumb also started doing the same thing. They have both stopped twitching however since November my right thumb has experienced weakness, loss of range of motion and is quite stiff now and getting worse. No pain, or sensory issues. This loss of strength has been noted by my physio. The same weak/stiff feeling is now travelling up to my elbow. The left thumb is also now starting to experience the same weak/ stiffness now.

Around Christmas time my left calf felt tight/stiff and like i had pulled a muscle (from doing nothing mind you). After a week it persisted so I took a look at it and found that there was indentation where the tightness was occurring (never seen it or felt it before). Also some atrophy on the inside of my ankle. Again no pain or sensory issues. It still persists. My Physio is baffled and so is my GP.

Both thumbs and calf muscle have not responded to massage, physio or any type of strengthening exercise. It's all there everyday 24/7 - it doesn't come and go, things just progress slowly each week. I can still do most things but gripping and typing on my phone is becoming harder and so is walking long distances due to the calf stiffness.

My bloods are clean (aside from my glucose levels)
My Brain and cervical spine MRI is clean
Nerve Conduction Test was clean

I see the neuro on Monday to see whats going on. I firmly believe that my stressful event kicked off some shift in my body. Is it possible for stress to do all this and continue to worsen even though the stressful event was nearly 3 months ago? Has anyone ever experienced this or have any ideas?

Many thanks!
D xx

03-02-18, 14:21

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


04-02-18, 18:54
hmm, well anxiety can wreck havoc on the body. People are known to sit around and dwell, or stop lifting weights, stop exercising, eat more or less, eat junk food. All of this can cause the body to lose muscle mass. As for cramps and twitching, yeah it can definitely be caused by anxiety no doubt. As for weakness and range of motion issues, maybe you spend lots of time at a computer and end up with carpal tunnel-like issues? People with anxiety are also known to get lots of hand symptoms; for instance I also get stiff hands/fingers when my anxiety is skyrocket or use a computer a lot. I have had calf cramps (calves are the most popular place for cramps) but always put it down to how I walk and tense my legs when anxious. People with anxiety tend to lack nutrition, like maybe low on B12 or magnesium. People with anxiety also tend to have neck or sciatic issues (from how they slouch or walk) which can lead to all sorts of issues within your nerves and muscles.

Ive always had anxiety for like 20 years now, but the past year has been the worst by far. I definitely notice symptoms galore in this past year...new symptoms that I didn't notice much before in the past. I'm no doctor but I can bet that highly stressful events (like mind shattering stress) can cause the body to go into a terrible mode. For sure let us all know how your neuro appointment went.