View Full Version : Night sweat again...

03-02-18, 19:02
:welcome: Do anybody in here have a night sweat? Mine just makes me wake up randomly in the middle of night, with a little sweaty around my neck and shoulder. It is not "drenching" or "soaking" by people have mention. But after that it is hard to go back to sleep again :weep:

03-02-18, 23:45
All the time. Worse if I've had a drink

04-02-18, 00:44
yup a lot.
Do you suffer with anxiety at all?

04-02-18, 02:23
Ironically, the only thing that I fear of is tomorrow, I will suffer from this again. A little sweaty, and a whole night awaken. This is the first time I've been through this and it makes me feel very anxious:weep:

---------- Post added at 09:23 ---------- Previous post was at 09:07 ----------

Luckily, today is Sunday. In spite of the sun, the noise, the smell, people, I managed to take a nap from 7AM to 9AM and Felt completely refresh after that:D. I don't know why, this night I only had 3hrs but hey, I won't suffer a shitty Sunday :D

04-02-18, 19:16
When my insomnia was really bad late last year I used to have night sweats pretty much every night - about an hour after getting into bed my chest, back and legs were soaked. Since my sleeping has got better I do not suffer with them so it must have been anxiety of not being able to sleep. Night sweats are horrible not to mention worrying so know what you are goin through.