View Full Version : Dermatofibroma? Please let it be dermatofibroma...

03-02-18, 19:20
Since like August/September i've had thus weird lump on my shin. It has never grown past 4mm as far as i know. (though i've only recently begun actually measuring it)

Recently i have accidantelly scratched it and it has since scabbed over. It has never bled or anything, just a scab that never goes away.

IK dermatofibromas don't heal without actually removing it physically, but the thing im worried about is since i don't know if dermatofibromas remain scabbed after being damaged?

If someone could shed some light on this and put my mind at rest, i would be forever thankful. :D

03-02-18, 19:32
Honestly, I don't even know what a dermatofibroma is, and normal people throwing words like that around is a sure sign someone's been at Dr Google's surgery.

This is a medical question best asked to a doctor if you're worried.

03-02-18, 20:34
Jure, I have one on my wrist. Dermatologist diagnosed. The first thing she did when she looked at it was to pinch the skin together to see if it dimpled.. it did. That assured her on what it is.

She told me it's a form of scar tissue. She froze it a few times to get it to flatten. Said she would not cut it out because it's right over a vein in my inside wrist.

04-02-18, 03:56
I have one and can attest to the dumpling, I tired poking mine out with a needle as I thought it was an ingrown hair to I can attest to a scab!!