View Full Version : Dread & anxiety about starting a new placement

04-02-18, 10:24
I'm a healthcare student and starting an 8 week placement tomorrow. My HA, general anxiety and consequently feelings of depression have been quite bad lately and I've missed days at uni. Tomorrow I have to start at a new place and I really don't feel like I can do it. I feel a knot in stomach everytime I think about it and feel like crying. To make things worse, 2 people I know work where I'm going. That makes my anxiety worse. I feel like I have to work harder with my happy normal character I put on. I don't know why. I fear failing infront of people I know, and them telling other people. I haven't been sleeping well, and I have to be there at 830 Monday to Friday. I have to show that I'm capable and competent in order to pass placement, but feel extremely overwhelmed and not sure if I'll cope. I have passed two prior to this but they were shorter and I didn't know anyone. But I'm honestly in hell right now and I don't know how to get over it and get this done. 8 weeks is a long time and I just don't know if I can do it. But i have to, it's mandatory or you drop back and have to do it again.

Does anyone have advice? I'm just on the verge of tears, k want to just stay home at the moment the way I feel but it's not possible