View Full Version : Itching skin!

04-02-18, 10:47
I have health anxiety which I have had therapy for and which I like to think I have kept under control for the last 3ish years.

Recently I have felt the anxiety starting to grow more and more intense within means today I feel like I have reached a peak so I need to calm it down somehow.

In the last week or so I have been experiencing intense itching all over my body! Sometimes it’s only on my chest, or my upper back but then when I start scratching it spreads all over my body and I can’t stop it! I wasn’t too concerned when it was just a little itch occasionally but today I have been panicking that it is a symptom of lymphoma or something just as serious. I had a full blood count blood test done mid-late last year for something unrelated and was told all was fine but what if I have developed something since then? I had a liver function test done just before Christmas and that was fine. I can’t stop panicking that either something was missed on my tests last year or the cancer has developed in the last 6 months and now because I keep going to see my GP for every little thing they aren’t going to take my seriously.

I have an appointment to see my GP tomorrow and I am terrified to talk about this itching because that makes it real. I need it to be just another of the many symptoms of anxiety.

Has anyone else experienced all over intense itching and it turns out to be something simple??? ������

06-02-18, 09:50
Hey... itching doesn't need to be Cancer all time. It may be a symptom of any bacterial infection.

06-02-18, 11:03
Yes I have had itching that was absolutely nothing. I get it most winters when the air is dry and cold, it can be alleviated by using lots of moisturiser in my case. I have also had it in the past with anxiety....I will itch on my arm, then it will move to my leg, then move to my stomach...and so it goes on. There is never anything to see there....just the feeling of being itchy. I presume you have visited your doctor now....what has been said ? The vast majority of itching cases ARE nothing to be concerned about.

06-02-18, 11:32
I had a full blood count blood test done mid-late last year for something unrelated and was told all was fine but what if I have developed something since then?

Are you doing anything to address your anxiety? It's a problem when you have a clear blood test in late 2017, but you don't allow it to reassure you in early 2018.