View Full Version : How can I accept the evidence? Please help!

04-02-18, 10:48
Ive recently had a stomach virus and am currently laid up in bed. A few days ago I was sick and saw bits of blood which sent my anxiety into overdrive and has resulted in a constant mental battle for me. I went to the doctors and they weren’t concerned and said that, as I’ve had pretty bad acid reflux, it could have irritated the lining of my stomach and could have caused a small tear. I was given a stomach settler to combat the acid and that was that. Fast forward to now, the acid has completely gone, and every time I’m sick, there appears to be no sign of blood (apart from a minute bit in one). However, I cant seem to accept that I’m fine and I’m still in a terrible panic. Does anyone have any advice on how to accept I’m ok? It seems like whatever I tell myself, I manage to come up with a scary reason for the blood not being present. Ive got another appointment booked for my anxiety but this isn’t until Tuesday which is a long time to be in this state.

04-02-18, 14:36
How can I accept the evidence?

Because you're getting better? :winks:

Positive thoughts

04-02-18, 15:35
Haha yeah, seems obvious doesn't it? My mind always finds ways to dismiss the positive signs. But I'm getting there! :doh:

04-02-18, 15:49
I sympathise with you on this one, seeing blood in my vomit would send me a bit doolally I think......that must have been quite scary. However, as Fishmanpa said.....docs seen, docs gave a reason, docs gave meds, situation improved. So....

It seems like whatever I tell myself, I manage to come up with a scary reason for the blood not being present.

How could it be scary to NOT have blood ? :roflmao: