View Full Version : Inner ear? Dizzy and feeling off

04-02-18, 20:57
Hey all!

I haven’t posted here in what seems like a lifetime which I suppose is good as my anxiety hasn’t been as bad as it use to be but I suppose a girl shouldn’t speak so soon aye! So anyway I have been feeling dizzy and out of sorts for the last couple of weeks/month.. I can go from just sitting and doing my thing to a sudden jolt of dizziensss as if someone pushed me and I loose my balance!! ( the other example and I hope this makes Sense but the feeling you get being a passenger in a car and you think they are turning left but they turn right and your body is all out of sorts!)

I went to my gp who said she thinks it is an inner ear problem ( even tho looking at my ears “they seem fine”) so she has prescribed me stemetil which I’m on my 5th day of taking them, the first few days were a dream less anxious and no dizzy spells! But tonight is a different story I feel terrible I just want to cry ( will this dizziness ever stop)

And honestly should I believe it’s inner ear or am I mad in thinking it might be more?

06-02-18, 13:33
happened to me about two years ago, turned out i had tinnitus but the dizziness caused me to be anxious and it really controlled me for a bit now i'm 90% of the time fine, the dizziness goes away but you should see a doctor and put your mind at rest , it certainly helped me

06-02-18, 21:53
Good to know I am not the only one suffering with this uncomfortable sensation lol. I am sorry for how you feel, it almost makes you go insane cause there is no escape. From what I understand, from what I learned.... sudden intense feeling of dizziness are usually caused by the inner ear or anxiety, not the cerebellum. Does riding in a car make you feel better or worse? Does worrying about it or forgetting about it effect the severity?