View Full Version : Lumps behind ear for years.. HA every few months?

04-02-18, 21:33
I recently have had severe health anxiety over the last couple months and have been to the doctors for a few reasons. I had bad pelvic pain for awhile and the longer I had to deal with it the more I googled my symptoms.. which has given me an obsession with searching my symptoms with everything wrong with me. The pelvic pain eventually went away but I recently remembered a few lumps behind my left ear that I recall being worried about 5 years ago. I was only about 12 or so at the time and was too scared to go to the doctor and tell anyone but I noticed that they have changed in the last 5 years. They've always been wiggly, rubbery and hard, and painless. Two are basically attached to each other and always have been, but they feel farther apart and the gap in between them is wider even though they still feel like they are attached. There is one very small one that isn't attached to either beneath them that is also wiggly but hurts a bit to wiggle. They are less than 1 cm, the smallest one even being about 1mm in diameter but I'm still worried. I had a blood test with my pelvic issues and they came back pretty much normal besides slightly high blood sugar. My biggest fear is getting cancer and even since I was super young I always thought I had it with minor symptoms. I'm 18 now and still suffer from it.. One website told me it could be sarcoma and many others say it could be lymphoma. I don't have other symptoms present and never have. I am planning on going to the doctor soon but it would give me so much relief if other peoplr have experienced this or anything similar. I am very happy with my life and don't want it to end when I don't get to truly experience it. Please help me :weep:

04-02-18, 22:01
You had these lumps for five year. Think about it! Cancer is a disease that gets progressively worse. If for five years you had these lumps, with no symptoms the likelihood of it being cancer is slim to none.

04-02-18, 22:03
That's very true thank you :) I try to see the positives and the fact that it is unlikely but it still worries me. My health anxiety never really seems to make sense because I worry about the unlikely a lot.. It feels nice that people like you are trying to help me though :D