View Full Version : How do you find your old threads?

04-02-18, 22:27
So i'm not allowed to post anything now about how I feel because apparently it all relates, so i have to find my old threads so I can report on them about issues!?

Ok then, so how do I find my old posts???

04-02-18, 22:40
If you’re using the website, click on your username in the top right corner. It should say “Welcome, tan235” in bold. tan235 should be underlined and is a link. After clicking you should land on a page with 3 tabs: about me, statistics, contact info. Click statistics, and you should see two links: threads started by tan235, and posts by tan235. You want “threads started by tan235”.

Hope that helps, cheers!

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04-02-18, 22:46
Click on "search" then it is under there - view your threads or posts.

05-02-18, 01:42
I found the old thread, and made a committ but how would anyone know to repsond to my question when now the old threa stays old and doesn't bounce back up to the top of questions?
Nothing more than a question, I"m just wondering how we continue to get support if now we have to post to old threads that are hard to find ... thank you x

05-02-18, 02:01
Which thread is it? I can't see any posts from you on an old thread today.

05-02-18, 02:25
Tan235, the last post you posted 42 minutes ago was to a thread in the symptoms > IBS forum and not in the health anxiety forum. If you go to the symptoms > IBS forum you should see the thread you posted to bumped up.

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05-02-18, 02:47
Just an opinion from someone who doesn't post very often...


this new policy is a hot mess. Why do people in distress have to go through this song and dance? I get it. A lot of people rehash the same issue over and over, or the same pattern over and over. BUt regulars here already recognize the names, and more casual visitors to the forum can easily click on the screen name to figure out the history, if so inclined. Very few are going to want to read through pages and pages of past posts and the concern is either going to be lost.

IDK. This doesn't seem helpful to me. Especially since the policy was enforced without any discussion. Private board, I get it, but...

05-02-18, 03:56
I took "old threads" literally and wanted to comment that I love reading my old msgs to a) laugh at myself b) reread advice I liked and c)act surprised that I am still OK even though back then I though I will never be OK again...

05-02-18, 04:12
I have to agree with Nervus - all my posts on here are going to relate, even though they will be slightly different but ultimately I'm posting the same fear and looking for reassurance, non of us want Health Anxiety but posting here helps enormously - however I'm starting to give up posting here as my posts are always cancelled etc, I post in fret and come back and find it's been deleted and that I have to find an old post to repost.
I"m not a fan....

05-02-18, 04:32
Apparently, due to a technical glitch, admin cannot merge threads. It's not a big deal to revisit a recent or even old thread about a similar fear and revive it.

It actually helps you in that your thought patterns are documented in one similar threat and it gives the responding member more insight. Essentially, it helps the responding member help you by knowing your history. Many senior members know the deal but it would help new members too. If you talked about cancer for two years, it's obvious you do't have it as you wouldn't be posting ;) It's not technically challenging to do either. Search your threads and revive a previous one :shrug:

I commend admin for their efforts to make it easier to help others. :yesyes:

Positive thoughts

05-02-18, 04:34
I think it’s an issue if the threads are very far apart, e.g. if someone posts about an issue a year ago and never mentioned it again until a year later, I think it’s a bit problematic to ask them to add to the previous thread.

But I think the issue the admins are trying to resolve is if someone posts about the same issue within a short amount of time. Looking at tan235’s thread starting history:
18/1/18 - started thread about diarrhea, weight loss, and IBS
18/1/18 - started another thread clarifying the diarrhea is due to H. Pylori
20/1/18 - started a thread about taking antibiotics to treat H. Pylori
20/1/18 - started another thread about taking antibiotics for H. Pylori
21/1/18 - started a thread about getting C. Diff while on antibiotics
22/1/18 - started a thread asking about body’s reaction on antibiotics for H. Pylori
1/2/18 - started a thread about diarrhea post antibiotics
2/2/18 - started another thread about diarrhea post antibiotics
5/2/18 - started another thread about C. Diff and watery stool post antibiotics

If you read all the threads they’re all about the same HA spiral - order of events based on all the threads: tan235 had diarrhea, was diagnosed with H. Pylori and prescribes antibiotics, didn’t want to take them, took the antibiotics, worried antibiotics may cause C. Diff, still had watery stool after antibiotics, got tested for C. Diff and was negative, still watery stool so now think it might be a false negative.

All the threads together (all posted within 3 weeks time) gives a lot of context and a complete history to what tan235 is going through, which I think is very informative and helpful for offering support. Furthermore if someone is posting twice a day on the same thing, I think it makes sense the threads to be combined.

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05-02-18, 07:04
There was a post requesting that members refrained from starting multiple threads but that went largely ignored.

For members trying to help posters it is infuriating to have to search through the posters history go in and out of numerous threads to see what has been said when it could all be kept on one post allowing everyone to see the history.

For posters, continually re-assurance seeking is self destructive so by keeping all posts in one place it allows you to see the history of your anxiety is presenting itself.


05-02-18, 10:42
The changes are helpful in my opinion. It's useful to see how a current post relates to previous ones.

It is incredibly easy to find old threads and to post to them on here. I'm not buying that it's a difficult thing to work out for some posters. I think some don't like the idea of seeing their posts together in one place as it emphasises ( to themselves as much as to anyone else) that it is HA and that their latest worry is likely not a physical one. I understand how in the moment you might not want to acknowledge that. I also understand getting into a flap about any kind of change when it first happens.

05-02-18, 12:36
Also this is a challenge to the poster's HA and some may never have been challenged before, particularly by their doctors who are happy to take their money and order tests.

05-02-18, 15:15
Apparently, due to a technical glitch, admin cannot merge threads. It's not a big deal to revisit a recent or even old thread about a similar fear and revive it.

We are missing our Merge thread button at the minute :(

05-02-18, 15:19
We are missing our Merge thread button at the minute :( I hope you find it again soon. :D

I've been caught out by prolific posters quite a few times. A new thread has been started and to be frank I've wasted time and energy giving replies that have already been given many times before, and I certainly wouldn't have replied had I have known the posting history. (or I would have replied differently) I think the 'drive' to get the posts of individuals in one place is a good move.

05-02-18, 15:30
I hope you find it again soon. :D

It is still there we are just banned from using it at the minute because using it doesn't work or breaks threads lol :doh::D