View Full Version : For those who have been diagnosed with influenza

05-02-18, 00:26
Have you been able to take care of your children while sick with the flu? My main HA fear is getting the flu and not being able to care for my child. No one else to help. Is it doable? Thanks.

05-02-18, 01:04
Of course, it is, you're not on your death bed. You'll feel like crap but you can get up if you need to.

05-02-18, 02:00
I got the flu at the same time my three children had it. Yes, I could take care of them, but it was bare bones, every woman and child for him or herself lol. THe first day was the hardest. We spent the vast majority of all of our many days of sickness splayed in my bed, my 4 year old rolling all over me in that way children do and my 13 year old stinking up my bed (puberty smells bad, lol). My 11 year old, who was least affected, was in and out of my room. The High School Musical marathon scared him off. I relied on my husband as much as possible until he, himself, came down with it, and I spent some time crying, like actually crying, because I wanted them all to go away so bad, lol.

We lived through it, though, and we are all absolutely fine. It took me about 8 or 9 days to finally be able to go back to work and a full two weeks to feel back to normal. My kids recovered a little faster than me.

I have seen your posts and I don't know where your flu angst comes from, but it's the kind of thing if you get it you get it and you will make due. Even terminal cancer patients in the midst of chemo manage to take care of their kids.

05-02-18, 02:25
There's two possible answers to this question, jules.

Q1. Are you a man?
A1: Yes.
Outcome 1: Impossible to get out of bed, unable to do more than hold a hanky over your nose for 2 weeks.

Q2. Are you a woman?
A2: Yes
Outcome 2: Get out of bed, do all chores around house, go to work, run kids back & forth to school, do shopping, look after husband with flu...basically do the same as when not ill.


Seriously, you will fine a way even if it did happen.

05-02-18, 02:28
There's two possible answers to this question, jules.

Q1. Are you a man?
A1: Yes.
Outcome 1: Impossible to get out of bed, unable to do more than hold a hanky over your nose for 2 weeks.


I am a woman but, when I get sick, I make sure it's man-flu!!!

05-02-18, 05:22
Great laugh, Terry, thanks. :)