View Full Version : Ever done a carboot sale? Tips appreciated

04-07-07, 01:22
Hello all.
I am planning to do my first car boot sale on Sunday and I would be grateful for any advice and tips people can give me.

I am selling all sort of things from books and dvds to kitchen utensils and craft supplies.

Do you hold on for your price or sell the item at a lower price in case you don't sell them later?

All advice welcome - I live on a very low income and need to make some money.



04-07-07, 08:01
the first thing that happens as you stop the car you are surrounded by expert booters wanting to buy your stock. Personally I would hold the price for them but when the actual sale opens its up to you. I'm a firm believer in not pricing things too high. Would rather get rid of things than bring them home again. Be prepared to accept a reasonable offer especially towards the end or you get tired which ever is the soonist!!!!

Donr forget about ebay, lots of people seem to do well selling on that


04-07-07, 16:11
Thanks Joy, will stand firm with any dealers. I have sold a lot of stuff on ebay but this time I just want to declutter my house and get rid of the stuff in one go. I probably would make a bit more on ebay but I am too lazy for all that trekking to the post office with parcels :wacko:


04-07-07, 21:56
The people who come early are often dealers and so never let them have anything cheap!

At my local car boot, they have to pay extra to get there before the other buyers so it's obviously worth their while.

Have fun :)

05-07-07, 14:32
Thanks everybody - I have this horrible feeling that I will be standing there will all my stuff and not a single person will approach my table and buy something, hopefully it will be the opposite to that!
I didn't think clothes would sell well so thanks for the tip, I will have a rummage and see what I have that no longer fits me (i.e. tonnes of stuff lol)


06-07-07, 12:43
Here is a post I did a couple of years ago about a car boot I thought it might make you smile!:D

Seriously though I have done others since and have been fine. As others have said Plenty of change carrier bags etc. A chair to sit if you wish. Trust me people will come & look though you probably find it's manic at the start and then it eases of.

I have found one near by us that lets the sellers set up at 12.30 and the buyers aren't allowed to look till 1pm which is great as it gives you time to set up. Unless like last time we did that though we got there at 12.55 as got caught up in traffic then we had to drive through the hoards of people in the field waiting to come in! Then it was one mad dash to set up! Hmmm me & Hubby were a bit stressy to say the least LOL! It all went ok in the end though!

Good luck :yesyes: for sunday hun and I do hope it goes well for you.

Take Care,

Love Pip's :flowers: X X X X

06-07-07, 17:59
Hi, I am doing a table top sale tomorrow at my daughters school, I will be selling all sorts and homemade jewellery. I find if I label things with the prices on it helps, lots of people dont like to ask how much something is.
Just try to enjoy the day xxx

06-07-07, 18:00
forgot to say ... I have sometimes bought something cheap on another table and sold it for more on my table, It was a bet that i could do it between me and my hubby (makes it fun).

09-07-07, 02:23
Unfortunately the heavens flooded the land and so the car boot sale was rained off. I didn't fancy getting stuck in 2 feet of mud in a field! Anyway thanks for the tips and hopefully next month's car boot sale will bring better weather with it.

Eibhlin x