View Full Version : Is fear a symptom?

06-02-18, 00:31
Ever since I had my two panic attacks (and only tiny ones since changing my diet, cutting sugar, and starting to exercise 30 mins a day) I've had sooo much FEAR over literally everything. It's hard to cope! I mean I would be afraid sometimes before these attacks but since I'm so afraid of everything this has got to be yet another symptom of the after shocks. I've had so many of the symptoms that exercise has trickled away BUT the fear has gotten bad, how do you get rid of it or will it pass too as my body leaves fight or flight? In the beginning, like right after my attacks I was hypersensitive to every little thing and got startled easily and that seems to have diminished but now I just feel fear at times, like randomly saw a creepy video on YouTube and it's really affecting me whereas before I'd get over it. What do you do to cope? Thank you :)

06-02-18, 09:39
'Fear' is the cause. Anxiety is basically 'Fear'.

06-02-18, 11:45
Agree with that : anxiety = fear
Unfortunately it's what anxiety feeds on. I think everyone with anxiety is suffering from some sort of fear. There has been days in the past when I've been absolutely terrified and some of those days I didn't even know what I was scared of, but just full of those fear chemicals.
Realising that it is anxiety is a good starting point, but make sure that you continue doing what you are doing with the healthier diet and exercise and once your body gets used to it you should start to feel better.

06-02-18, 12:52
Interesting question. IMO, fear is not a symptom but a reaction. You see, read, hear or feel something and the reaction is fear when it really shouldn't be. It's like the fight or flight response is out of whack with anxiety sufferers.

Positive thoughts

06-02-18, 15:05
Thank you guys so much. The thing is that before this incident with fear I was totally accepting of my anxiety and I think that acceptance helped me get over it even more to the point I had a couple normal days-even my heart rate was staying down and I was handling stress. But then the fear and I stayed up basically all night with a pounding heart praying to God for help. I took magnesium (3-4 capsules and had to be on the toilet much of the next day haha) BUT it calmed my heart right now and I passed out. Yesterday was dreadful due to lack of sleep and I have two kids under 3 so it was rough. Spent much of yesterday in prayer and Bible study so overcame that fear last night and slept great! Woke up feeling a little anxious today which is a lingering symptom that I was previously eliminating. Going to trust God and come here for affirmation. Thanks so much guys, good insights.