View Full Version : Bad experience at GP, not sure what to do now

06-02-18, 07:13
So I had a GP appointment to get the results of an ultrasound I had last week. I had an upper abdo scan and pelvic scan. I have major anxiety about medical procedures and had already cancelled the appointment once. When I got there, the radiologist wanted also to do an internal. I panicked and didn’t allow him to as I wasn’t prepared. I should mention that I suffered sexual abuse as a child and things like this are traumatic for me.

Anyway my GP seemed annoyed with me and said that we should now start moving away from physical symptoms and start looking at psychological methods. I got upset at this point because I had just started to feel I was being taken seriously. He’s a new GP I changed to as I wasn’t getting anywhere with my old one who just used to tell me to take up Pilates.

I’m really suffering at the moment. I have joint pain in my hands and feet, chest pain from over stretched muscles, my muscles are sore and also twitch a lot. I have weakness in my arms, fatigue so bad that I have to immediately lie down and some days I can’t get out of bed at all. This week I’m also having pain behind one eye which hurts when I look up or sideways. This has happened a couple of times in the past few months. My vision seems off and is slightly blurred when reading. I’m also have numbness on and off in my fingers and legs.

I have ongoing constipation and pain under left and right ribs too. This is just some of what’s going on and I’m in pain most days. I’m at a loss what to do now. Do I just have to put up with this and accept its anxiety? Surely it’s not possible for it to cause this much pain every day.

06-02-18, 08:16
Yep. It sure is possible. All of that and more. I’ve been there and sometimes it’s impossible to believe it could all be anxiety. But if your doc says you’re ok, you’re ok. Take his advice and follow up on the psychological side.
Good luck
