View Full Version : Morning anxiety

06-02-18, 09:43
Hi all,
My anxiety has come back with full force- mornings are horrible- I wake up anxious and sick. I can't eat, I have upset tummy.
I've just started citalopram 6 days ago - low dose of 5mg and going to go up gradual as I'm very sensitive to ssri medication.
How do you all cope with this- I have been here before 5/6 years ago and it was the worst time of my life. I just want to cry and go to sleep and never wake up.
I've been reading my claire weekend book - self help for your nerves" and I no I have to accept it- but it's so hard to accept when it feels so bad....
Help please.... x

06-02-18, 11:41

Sorry to hear you anxiety is back... recovery is not linear even after so many years. Have you taken citalopram before? I only ask as this could be a reason as to why your anxiety is still high as with all antidepressants they can increase anxiety at the start? Try to remember that you have recovered before and you will again

Hear if you want to chat


06-02-18, 17:05
Yes I've been on them before - twice.
Just can't believe I was such a fool and came off them again - now having to start all over again.
I just hate this feeling of dread and sickness- like I'll never get better - I know I will and that it's just anxiety and the side effects talking , but it's awful x
Thanks for your message- hope you are well x

Jay Dee
08-02-18, 09:33
Hi - I've just registered now from desperation and I am absolutely with you with the morning anxiety. I wake up and immediately my heart races, and I have the feeling of dread that I'm not going to get better and that this feeling will worsen beyond what I can cope with!
What I have found gives me some relief is breaking the cycle of thoughts and getting myself up out of bed and getting busy. Joining this forum and going through the motions of registering just brought me down some.
I feel very lucky right now that I have a friend not too far away who is a complete diamond, she's been through it all and assures me that what I'm feeling is normal, and will pass. Just hearing those words gives me hope and strength.
I'm finding it very hard, I'm on day 6 and I'm sooooo tired having had 2 nights broken sleep, waking up in a panic. This doesn't help me at all! But I realise I have to just get over the hump if I'm going to tackle my lifelong anxiety.
So we're pretty much on a parallel right now Jennifer, although I'm on 10mg initially and being reviewed a week tomorrow in view of upping the dose.
I guess all I can offer is try and keep yourself occupied, and remember there's someone right here going through the same as you! Take care

08-02-18, 16:23
Hi jay dee
Sorry to hear your feeling bad to - it's the worst isn't it x
I too have a good friend who has been through this and is giving me lots of encouragement.
I have been on cit twice before and this time I plan to be on them forever- I forgot how bad feeling like this was.
I'm very sensitive to this medication and so I'm currently on day 8 taking 5mg. May go up to 7.5 tonight fir a week and then up to 10mg.
20mg has always worked really well for me it's just about gradually getting there so I can eliminate some side effects x
Have you been on cit before?
Yes I find getting up and keeping busy is better than lying in bed thinking about how bad I feel.
Thank you for your response x

08-02-18, 17:18
I was on esitalopram for 4 years. It is very similar to citalopram. I was on 20 mg which is equivalent to 40 mg citalopram ,, I came off it almost cold turkey and felt good for 2 months, then suddenly developed severe anxiety and depression. I jumped back on 10 mg for a week then upped to 20 mg. I am a month now back but still feeling bad.

08-02-18, 17:44
You WILL get better, but it may take a little time. My morning anxiety was absolutely horrendous and it lasted right up until the evening when I would start to feel better. I often thought I'd give anything to wake up feeling like I did when I went to bed, but nope, every morning it was back again without fail. I started on 10mg citalopram and stayed on that for 3 months before realising it wasn't really doing much at all so I increased to 20mg. After a few weeks I started to feel a bit better and it got gradually better from then on. My doctor said you can truly consider yourself better when the morning anxiety no longer happens as that is the last thing to go. Keep on in there, don't give up, you will definitely get better x

09-02-18, 13:55
Love your post mojo
When you wake up and feel no anxiety it's the best feeling in the world x looking forward to getting back there again x

09-02-18, 14:17
Love your post mojo
When you wake up and feel no anxiety it's the best feeling in the world x looking forward to getting back there again x

Not sure if this has been said yet, but when first on Citalopram it can actually INCREASE your anxiety as you get use to it.

I too had horrible anxiety in the mornings for about the first 2 weeks while on cit. It should start to diminish over time. Stay positive!

Jay Dee
09-02-18, 18:03
Hi again - well lo and behold today was day 7, and I woke up only once I think through the night. Dead on 3 am... but with no anxiety?? So I settled and soon drifted back off, and woke just before the alarm at 6... but with NO ANXIETY!!!!! I couldn't believe it, and was pensive thinking that it would come on at some point, but it DIDN'T!
I have had a great day, feeling very buoyant this morning and with only a slight edge throughout the day, sort of the feeling that if I thought too much about it I might get myself anxious, but I just got on with my day!
My hand trembling seems to be less, and the aching I had in my legs has gone. Oh and so has the lethargy. I am amazed at the difference I feel in myself since yesterday, when I really thought I can't cope with this feeling of doom much longer, and was panicking thinking what if I get to feeling suicidal! That terrified me.
I'm hoping for a similar outcome tomorrow morning, a good sleep and no anxiety in the morning. I take my pill at 9-10am.

I hope you're doing better Jennifer?

09-02-18, 19:23
Ah so pleased for you jay dee,
I'm getting about in the day and doing bits - although I can feel the tension in my neck and the anxiety fizzing through my body.
Waking up anxious still but not the dreaded feeling - more like my brain is just instantly awake.
I'm going up to 7.5mg tonight and will take this for a week then onto 10mg.
Sounds like your doing really well x good on you - keep going forward- 😘

11-02-18, 07:28
Hi Jennifer

I'm so pleased you are feeling a bit better. Don't be concerned though if you seem to take a few steps back, it's perfectly normal and all part of recovery. I remember lots of ups and downs and it was very frustrating because it would seem that no sooner did I think it was going it would sneak back in for a few days and I'd feel like I was back at step one. Just keep going, keep plugging on, and you'll find that eventually the down days will get fewer and fewer and you will get longer periods of feeling good. And then eventually the bad times fade away and then you can finally say you are better. Please let me know how it goes :D

11-02-18, 11:49
Thank you mojo for your reply
The days are getting better I guess - although the mind chatter just won't shut up so I have a permanent headache- all the what ifs are so annoying. It's better when I have someone around to talk to because then at least I'm not constantly thinking of me.
I feel like I'm getting a bit better but I just don't feel like me...? I feel kind of sad, and no motivation to do much. Although yesterday I went out for the day shopping with my mum and today im at the gym , just had a swim and sauna, I try and get out to walk the dogs or anything just to get out and get some fresh air.
I'm only on my 12 day - 10 days on 5mg and 2 days of 7.5mg, so I no I won't feel any better yet and when I get to my required dose then I'll start feeling like me again - I've just got to give it more time x
Once again thank you for replying it gives me confidence that it'll all be better soon x

11-02-18, 12:24
Hi Jennifer, I have a question, when you stopped the medication the first time and went back did you also upped the dose slowly? I ask because I also stopped the medication for 3 months but went back with the full dose, so I feel my body in a shock state. I see tapering up slowly is a safe method.

11-02-18, 13:01
Hi shery

Yes when I can off them before and started taking them again I started on either 5 or 10 and then to 15 and to 20. Never did I start back on 20.
I would have been in a terrible state.
I have to take these tablets slowly as my side effects are horrendous- but they do work well x

11-02-18, 14:12
Thanks Jennifer, cant wait the day they kick in, hope it comes soon

11-02-18, 15:33
I feel the same shery - just want to get back to being me x
I’m realllllllyyyyyyy sleepy today 😴

---------- Post added at 15:33 ---------- Previous post was at 15:32 ----------

How many times you been on cit shery?

11-02-18, 16:47
I am actually on escitalopram, it is structurally related to citalopram. I was on it for the last 4 years, I have tried weaning few times by just reducing the dose but every time I felt bad and did go back rapidly. This time I weaned rapidly and did not feel any troubles for around 3 months then suddenly all symptoms came back!!!

11-02-18, 17:08
I toovweaned off twice - the first time I was off them for about 2 months - the second time I was off them for about 6/7 months I think. Then January this year I got the same anxious feelings and I knew it was coming back.
So I started taking 5 mg and will go up slowly to 20mg. I’m currently on 7.5mg.
I think I’ll be on them for good now- I can’t stanc this feeling and all the start up side effects.
My anxiety is better today but I just feel low / lethargic and sad that I’m here again and having to go through this all again.
Hope you feel better soon x

11-02-18, 17:23
Me too, I will be on them for good.

11-02-18, 17:50
Exactly shery - we have a chemical imbalance and need medication- that’s all.
It’s just a shame they take so bloody long to work 😩 I hate waiting and feeling poop.
It’ll get better soon just like the previous times - we just need to persevere x

11-02-18, 20:56
Me three I will be on them for good also...

11-02-18, 21:35
Oh Lulu I couldn’t bare to do this again.
My anxiety is pretty crap today- my brain won’t shut up with all the what ifs!!
Driving me insane!!
Literally cannot wait until the cit starts working - I’m trying to be calm n shrug off the what ifs but it’s so hard as it’s constant!
Does anyone else get heartburn at all....?

12-02-18, 01:45
Yes heart burn is a side effect but it will go away.if this Medication help you in the past it will help again.i wouldn't come off.because if your feeling good is because of the celexa ..take care

12-02-18, 07:02
The worst thing for me is the heightened anxiety especially in the morning. It makes me unable to function and I am afraid to take benzo as I hear they are addictive.

12-02-18, 10:53
If the doctor gave you the benzo .why suffered.. addiction only happens to addicts.

Jay Dee
12-02-18, 11:39
Hi Jennifer - I really hope things improve for you soon.
I’m still doing ok, bit of an anxious feeling this morning but nothing too bad. Funnily enough it was because my heart rate was lower than usual, so my inner nagging voice started to question whether that was a good thing!! I get reviewed on Friday, which is day 14 for me, and possibly increase my dose by all accounts?
I’m very surprised that I got through the bad days pretty quick, my arms and legs ached along with the feeling of doom. I was prepared to go through it to get to the other side, as I knew the way back wasn’t an option. I’m glad I did, and I can at least feel as if I will get back to my normal self in time. The stories here tell me so!
Keep going, sending you strength and a hug!

12-02-18, 13:57
Hi All
Had a bad day yesterday and last night heightened anxiety- think it may be because I upped from 5-7.5mg 3 days ago- it’ll settle soon.
Glad everyone is doing well - we have all got to keep going.
My chatter box is awful - it’s making my anxiety worse. Can’t wait until the tablets really kick in and start working- but I no that will come when I get up to the dose I need to be at x
I would not wish this on anyone- let’s all keep going - and thank you all for your messages and support of one another x we can do this x ����