View Full Version : Late period, light brownish discharge. Help please!!

06-02-18, 11:35
Hello all. I'm currently freaking out. First let me give a bit of a background first. I'm 29, always fairly regular maybe a few days late sometimes, have never been sexually active.

So my period started January 5 last month, and ended around Jan 10-11. Then starting from 19 to 21 I got weird brown discharge. Almost jellylike and they were very dark. I thought it was probably old blood from my period. Then after 3 days, it went back to clear discharge. No pain or anything. I was relieved although a bit scared since that never happened to me.

Yesterday, I began to get this clear discharge but with brown tinge to it so that my panties are stained brown. But it's not full on brown blood, if you know what I mean. It's mixed with the discharge. Theoretically, I should be starting my period anytime soon, and in the past I have had similar discharge before getting my period, but it has been two days and no signs of the real period coming. My boobs were tender and heavy until yesterday too, but today the pain has decreased.

I'm worried and I just want to get my normal period :((

06-02-18, 15:03
I've had this happen before, a couple of times. I get brown spotting instead of my period. I even asked my gynecologist about it recently. She told me as long as the next one comes as normal then it was just a one off thing probably due to stress or whatever.

06-02-18, 17:58
Hi Leslie, thank you for the reply.

I guess what scares me is that mid-cycle bleeding since I'm not 100% convinced that was left-over blood from January's period. I thought it was 'abnormal' so it doesn't do well with me now my period seems to be being funky too. This weird brownish discharge now also doesn't help. Without it I would just think I am late.


---------- Post added at 18:58 ---------- Previous post was at 16:44 ----------

okay I am so scared. I just checked and i got that same dark brown mucus/jelly like the one I got during that mid-cycle bleeding. I don't think I'll be getting my period now. I'm so worried I'm sweating :'(

06-02-18, 18:26
I'm so sorry! I have had the brown jelly like discharge before so I know what you are talking about. Keep in mind, brown blood means old blood. So most likely your body is just doing a clean out for whatever reason. I understand your fear, believe me, I do. Can you give your Dr. a call for some reassurance and see what they say? When was your last smear test? I'm asking because it was recent and was normal then you can totally relax.

06-02-18, 18:36
Hi Leslie.

I never had one. I know it's likely weird especially since I'm in late 20s, but it's not something that most people do here especially when you are never sexually active. I think I may try to see the doctor soon if I can get in but the fear is just paralyzing.

May I ask when in your cycle did you get the brown jelly like discharge?

I never had weird period in my life so I don't understand why it started now :(( the discharge seems identical to the mid cycle bleeding so perhaps that wasnt old blood finally cleaned out of the body too. God knows what that was.

07-02-18, 03:50
I couldn't sleep last night, and I thought I felt a very slight cramping but I didn't know if I was only imagining or not because I was hoping for cramps (imagine that!). I fell asleep at some point and when I woke up and when to the bathroom, there was a big dark red clot when I wiped. The slight cramps continued.

I checked and there were more reddish blood now so I'm hoping it's my period finally decided to show up. Fingers crossed!

07-02-18, 11:53
Sounds fairly normal to me :) It's not unusual for periods to come early or late sometimes, or to spot for a few days beforehand. Normally this is hormonal, or caused by stress, or weight changes, or any number of things.

Since you're not sexually active it's very, very unlikely to be cervical cancer or anything like that.

07-02-18, 16:29
Hello O_O thank you for your reply. I know that the female business 'down there' seems to be so easily affected by the smallest thing, and yet it still worries me when something out of the ordinary happens. Say it's stress, it's such an evil circle because stressing may potentially cause issues, and yet those problems would lead to more stress.

I think my period properly begins today... but is it odd that I felt like I didn't want to say that out loud here cos I was afraid I would be jinxing things? I often feel like that about many things.

07-02-18, 17:51
Hello O_O thank you for your reply. I know that the female business 'down there' seems to be so easily affected by the smallest thing, and yet it still worries me when something out of the ordinary happens. Say it's stress, it's such an evil circle because stressing may potentially cause issues, and yet those problems would lead to more stress.

I think my period properly begins today... but is it odd that I felt like I didn't want to say that out loud here cos I was afraid I would be jinxing things? I often feel like that about many things.

I get that too. Sometimes if I've been worried about something, and then it looks like I'm going to be ok after all, I'm scared to say so in case in jinx it.

I've been so worried about my periods lately as well. They've been weird ever since my miscarriage five months ago. Sometimes I spot for days beforehand, and when the period does come it's just... strange. Really clotty at first, and then quite heavy red bleeding... but the blood doesn't really come out unless I push!

So honestly yours sounds pretty normal to me :') Nothing to worry about at all, I'm certain.