View Full Version : Red eye spot

04-07-07, 06:37
This is not what I need

I woke this morning with a red spot on the white my eye. Being the rational kind of guy I am I immediately googled red eye spot (with key words like sudden death, yer yer I know,) but I can't find info on the damn thing anywhere.

It's not come at the right time, I am struggling with a few problems, mostly work related, which is raising the ole anxiety and not been sleeping too well, and Tuesday night I normally hit the gym,instead like a true dipstick I hit the wine.

My BP is 132/90 so I am sure its nothing to do with that.

Does anyone know if its down to just a little stress?

If you have any horror stores about eyes falling out I don't want to hear it ;)

A slightly anxious (but in control as always)


04-07-07, 09:03
Hi Jaco,

i agree with lolly, you might have poked or scratched yourself in the eye. It could be just plain old tiredness. Sometimes bloodshot eyes get worse before getting better, so be warned.

anx x

04-07-07, 09:42
Well I certainly have had odd little red spots in my eyes from time to time and remember going to see the doctor once - slightly embarassing as he had a totally bloodshot eye the day I went and then I felt a little ridiculous.

I'm absolutely sure it's nothing to worry about hun - leave it a few days and I'm sure it will clear up. We ususally know the difference between a real issue with our eyes because you wouldn't think twice about going to the doctors if you thought it was really serious now would you!!

Now let me get on with examining different marks moles veins and other things on my legs will you - I only have a few minutes of worry time left before my breakfast will be ready, so I have to work fast!!!:blush:

Piglet :flowers:

04-07-07, 11:29
I've had that Jaco and my BP is low, so don't go jumping to the conclusion that is realted to that :ohmy:

I went to the Dr when I found this bright red mark in my eye and she just said it was nothing to worry about and that it would just clear up in it's own time, which of course it did :)

I don't think it's stress related either. I think it's something anyone can get. In fact my mum had the same thing a couple of weeks ago and she certainly isn't stressed.

04-07-07, 13:38
My good mucker Jaco :hugs: I too have been having eye problems of late only mine is pain behind my left eye. Having diagnosed brain tumours ( which my hubby said was doubtful as I have no fecking brain ) I have now come to the conclusion I have sinus symptoms. But on reading your post I now know what my eye problem is......It's that fecking aviator of yours thats making me eyes wonky :winks: please get it removed or I won't be responsible for my actions :ohmy:

P.S. Hope your eye better today babe :hugs: xxx

funky chick
04-07-07, 14:15
:hugs: :hugs: Hi Jaco,
sounds like you have ruptured a blood vessel in your eye hun and that does make us thing all sorts and glad you found nothing on google to worry you more!!! it probaly isnt stress related can be from tiredness etc and you havent been sleeping you say may take couple of days to go i know my hubby gets that quite often. Hope this helps reassure you until you find something else as we all do to worry about!
Take care and try and get some nice early nights and some well earned sleep. love Gail xxxxxx:hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Sheik N Shimmy
04-07-07, 17:01
I had this problem a year ago.

I was swimming in an indoor pool and rubbed my eyes and burst a blood vessel.

The big red spot on the white of my eye was there for several days before I went to the Eye and Ear hospital to get it checked out (being very anxious about my health at that time :shrug: ).

They checked my blood pressure which was fine.

They just told me to use an eye lubricant on an ongoing basis (haven't done that but no problems since).

In my case I may have been a bit dehydrated, using the computer too much and the chlorine in the swiiming pool didn't help.

04-07-07, 17:57
Hi Jaco,

as everyone has said it sounds like a little burst blood vessel, maybe you rubbed your eye during sleep or something.It should clear up by itself with no treatment. Dont think its related to stress....unless your in the habit of poking yourself in the eye while stressed of course!

luv Coni X

04-07-07, 17:59
Well ty all :)

Its later in the day, and I am a little more chilled, and I have another eye if the worst comes to the worst ;), although I swear the spot has got bigger!!!

You lot do reassure me though so thanks to all of you :).

I was really worried about you though Mandy, reading your reply, my heart sank at the thought of you being ill, I started to choke, fighting back the tears at the thought of you in pain, my fav Irish girl, why? please not my Mandy.

then I realised you sit on your brains you rangers supporting muppet so you are safe ;)

ty all xxx


17-11-14, 00:48
I had the same problem, but I got the red spot when I got out of the shower I'm really confused because my eyes been vainy ever since my anxiety started up again - about a month ago. my left eye is watery and it gets blurry time to time , I've gotten many symptoms , but I'm still determined I have something more serious, I'm only 16 I have no clue what is going on, I get frequent headaches , my ribs been hurting for 2 days , I see flashes in my vision when I wakeup, I get shocks in parts of my body 'and so many more but these are recent.