View Full Version : Rib pain

06-02-18, 18:07
Ok so as the title says. I’m having pains in my ribs.

It’s on the right hand side about half way down my ribs and it’s like a achey pain but when I breath in it gets sharper. I’m not breathless but I’m worried this is a pulmonary embolism???

I ate a meal about 45 minutes ago so not sure if it has something to do with that or it’s something more serious as I never get This feeling after eating even Though I did get a pain under my ribs earlier on this afternoon after eating???

Other than this my health anxiety has been quite good recently so don’t want this to start it all over again

06-02-18, 18:35
Why on earth would you think it's a pulmonary embolism? It's most possibly muscular, or, like you said, related to your meal

06-02-18, 19:02
Bingjam, a quick look at your posting history says that, so far in 2018, you've had an aneurysm, skin cancer, a deadly anaphylactic reaction (or something), and now pulmonary embolism. There many, many more in 2017 too by the looks of things.

It's only the 6th Feb.

I'm sure you see the pattern here. You know it's irrational. You need to seek professional help so you can put these thoughts to bed without asking random Internet strangers to do it for you.

06-02-18, 19:14
Other than this my health anxiety has been quite good recently so don’t want this to start it all over againCan I be honest too? I don't think your HA has been that good at all. As axolotl said, you've had 4 or 5 serious illnesses in Jan alone, that's pretty fast moving from one condition to the other.

As for the rib pain; the human body gets aches and pains, we all sometimes have 'anomalies' or bruises, hurting bits, tingly bits and assorted minor symptoms of basically nothing expect wear and tear. As you yourself said
I’m not breathless, so why jump to the most unlikely of scenarios? Why not stop at 'I must have pulled a muscle or strained something?'. This is what learning to deal with HA is partly about, starting at the most likely first and getting perspective on the least likely.

06-02-18, 19:34
Oh my i have just looked back too and I would have never realised unless someone didn’t point it out to me. How embarrassing. Maybe I’m not doing as well as I thought I was

06-02-18, 19:41
Have all the other 'conditions' resolved from the rest of Jan ? :winks:

06-02-18, 19:49
Oh my i have just looked back too and I would have never realised unless someone didn’t point it out to me. How embarrassing. Maybe I’m not doing as well as I thought I was

No-one's pointing anything out to make you embarrassed, there's no embarrassment to be had. While you've been chasing phantom illnesses a real one's snuck up on you... please get some help before it takes you over. If you need advice how to do so we're here.

06-02-18, 20:10
Absolutely axolotl! DOn't be embarrased, been there, done that. :weep: