View Full Version : Describe what YOUR dizziness feels like??

06-02-18, 21:59
I am curious what kind of dizziness other people with anxiety/stress feel. Did you find it was actually due to anxiety, or was it physical?

07-02-18, 03:28
Mine feels like I've stepped onto a boat - slight rocking but not full blown dizziness. I recently tried a keto diet and a common sign of your body not getting sugar is for real dizzness, I actually thought I may faint a few times and had to quit the diet lol. I had cut all forms of sugar including bread/pasta and my blood sugar plummeted. Keto isn't for me lol. So I've felt full blown dizziness and my anxiety dizzness which is the rocking feeling. I've read that many anxiety sufferers have full blown dizziness from anxiety tho.

07-02-18, 09:27
i wouldn't go as far as saying i get dizzy , but more lightheaded and sometimes a little off balance when walking

07-02-18, 10:56
It feels as if I am walking on a boat and accompanys head pressure which makes me feel slightly sick and off balance - does this sound familiar ?

07-02-18, 15:32
yup. for me its walking on a boat too. just yesterday I was leaving the library and once I stepped foot on the parking lot pavement my usual swaying, feel like im being pushed to one side started again. Happens a lot. Sometimes I feel like ill freeze.

07-02-18, 16:08
When i stand it's like somebody is sitting on my shoulders whilst somebody is trying to pull my feet away. When i sit it's like somebody is pushing me hard in the back or that fairground ride when your being sucked into the seat. When i lay down it's like the bed is a swing or somebody is trying to tip me off.

I've had this for 27weeks and 5days 24/7 non stop (yep i'm counting) i was eventually referred to a neurologist at the end of Oct and it's a 29 week wait! My GP has been totally unwilling to help me speed it up.

07-02-18, 16:21
Wow, really surprised that the most common complaint is a swaying/rocking sort of dizziness. It is funny, cause everywhere I read, being lightheaded is a anxiety symptom, but bobbing/rocking is not...but if this is the most prominent symptom that you guys recognize as correlating with anxiety if not caused by, doesn't that make it a anxiety symptom?

On a side note to those that do have that feeling, how do you feel when riding a car, and subsequently when it stops?

07-02-18, 16:46

When driving a car if I am moving with general traffic I fele fine, if am caught up in traffic or stopped at lights start to feel bad.

I definately have problems with light-headedness, even as I type I feel terrible - can't wait to get home.

07-02-18, 16:56
I guess with anxiety, time is your friend. I get panicked every time I get these swaying or freezing sensations but then I remind myself that its been 5 years that ive had them. Im sure if it was super serious it would have been diagnosed by now. I did get a BBPV diagnosis, which is benign. But another doctor said it was just anxiety.

08-02-18, 21:22
I was doing fine today in terms of my vertigo...I was at the mall, feeling a little uneasy, like I could have a issue with it today. I had a large cold cappuccino and maybe a hour later I had super intense vertigo, felt like the ground was ging up and down under me when I walked, starting and stopping in cars made that more intense. Does caffeine make that feeling worse? Could that have been why it was so intense?

08-02-18, 21:24

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It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


23-02-18, 21:42
I have this rocking/swaying sensation like I’m on a boat. It started after a panic attack due to finding blood on the toilet. It’s pretty constant. I’ve had it 2 years now. Sometimes after a long car journey it gets worse and feel like inside my body is a roaring sea of waves. My feet will feel like they’re going up and down on a seasaw/bouncy on a trampoline. Horrible horrible symptom.

24-02-18, 03:43
I get different kinds of dizziness- sometimes I feel like the world is tilting and I am off balance, sometimes I feel an almost minor version of the spins you would get if you've had too much to drink.

I pinch my right wrist to try to center myself. That helps. :)

24-02-18, 17:18
Mine is definitely the walking on a boat sensation! Also tend to fee like walls are moving slightly or the floor.

Just been out on the dog walk and walking through a very uneven, hilly field, looking ahead into the distance me feel like the world was wobbling.

Most frustrating symptom I've ever encountered, so hard to go about your daily business!

02-03-18, 01:26
Walking on a boat during a storm. I often get a sensation of dropping, like all of a sudden I'm falling out of a plane. Benzos help a bit.

10-03-18, 09:01
For the people who have the rocking on a boat sensation - does it get better in a car? Also, do you feel worse sitting at a table, or in restaurants/crowded places? How do you feel you get out of a car? Does the length of the journey make a difference?

12-04-18, 18:04
Like I can not explain it well. It has been for a few days now and mimics having a borderline panic attack due to dizziness. It feels like a fine vibration or numbness on the front or back of head and seems exacerbated or brought out when looking up or looking down. Similar to if you were to flip your head upside down for a long time and then you sit upright again and get that head rush feel....however there is no blood flow discrepancy. Problem is that I didn't have prior anxiety to induce it, but I do have slight anxiety as a result of it... so for that reason...it is really hard for me to tell myself "this is from anxiety" and not "there is something really wrong". It feels like I have low blood pressure in my brain or something.

12-04-18, 19:34
Like I can not explain it well. It has been for a few days now and mimics having a borderline panic attack due to dizziness. It feels like a fine vibration or numbness on the front or back of head and seems exacerbated or brought out when looking up or looking down. Similar to if you were to flip your head upside down for a long time and then you sit upright again and get that head rush feel....however there is no blood flow discrepancy. Problem is that I didn't have prior anxiety to induce it, but I do have slight anxiety as a result of it... so for that reason...it is really hard for me to tell myself "this is from anxiety" and not "there is something really wrong". It feels like I have low blood pressure in my brain or something.Yes, it is an anxiety symptom, and when you feel dizzy, the body will naturally react to that feeling and cause more anxiety and fear. It's a vicious cycle. The anxiety can bring on the dizziness and the dizziness can bring on the anxiety. You have to work on not allowing a fear response to the dizziness but also must find ways to admit you have anxiety, not fear it and also find ways to begin to understand and help your anxiety.

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12-04-18, 20:23
Yes, it is an anxiety symptom, and when you feel dizzy, the body will naturally react to that feeling and cause more anxiety and fear. It's a vicious cycle. The anxiety can bring on the dizziness and the dizziness can bring on the anxiety. You have to work on not allowing a fear response to the dizziness but also must find ways to admit you have anxiety, not fear it and also find ways to begin to understand and help your anxiety.

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Thank you for your response. I just don't understand. This happens while I am sleeping even, comfortable and in the middle of a dream. It happens when I am not even anxiety ridden..

12-04-18, 21:09
Thank you for your response. I just don't understand. This happens while I am sleeping even, comfortable and in the middle of a dream. It happens when I am not even anxiety ridden..I know. It's really hard to understand what the anxiety and chemicals it releases are doing to our bodies, especially when we're relaxed and not expecting a response. You're going through a hard emotional time and its left you worried about your own health. I can suggest going to anxietycentre.com and scrolling down to the bottom of the page where there is 9 colored boxes. One is anxiety symptoms and it describes the symptoms you're having. It may help you to read and know that others have your same symptoms. It helped me a lot. Also, you have to acknowledge your grief. Loss does this to us, and leaves a lot of questions. It makes us think a lot more about everything.

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14-04-18, 14:50
I came on here looking to find a post like this because I'm feeling the same. Knowing other people are feeling it too gives me comfort to know it is just my anxiety. I was at docs yesterday for it and she done tests and said she's not worried doesn't think it is anything

16-04-18, 02:13
It seems exacerbated in public places, while sitting if say... I was looking down at my phone and then I look up at someone who asked me a question.. then I feel it, it is like ...like a brain vibration and visually looks somewhat distorted... my lips even feel like they are vibrating. It happens if I lay flat on my back too. I don't know what to think, but I just really hope that anxiety indeed can cause this even without being 'in' a anxiety attack...cause THAT is what freaks me out, the randomness of it.

---------- Post added at 01:13 ---------- Previous post was at 01:05 ----------

It actually feels almost exactly like if you were to grit your teeth hard and hum lowly...and subsequently visually things move with in the same fashion.. like everything is rotating or trailing...

25-05-18, 08:05
Specifically.. did you feel better in motion, and worse when the car stopped? Or did you feel terrible in motion and better when the car stopped?

25-05-18, 08:09

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


18-06-19, 14:58
Does anyone else suffer with this right now? Since days of major panicking last week about my heart, I had a headache for 2/3 days and then followed lightheadness - like walking on a boat, and also a very strange squeezing/buzzing sensation in my head which I can feel at my temples. It feels a bit similar to that rush of head feeling you get from standing up fast, but different at the same time. The squeezing sensations come in waves, and I can go for an hour without having one, but they can be quite constant. Sometimes when standing, sometimes, sitting down - I haven't noticed a particular trigger. The lightheadness is there quite often if I'm walking. All symptoms go away if I lie down, so I'm worried what this could be. Absolutely exhausted as well.

Had a check over at A&E on Sunday morning because I was very worried, BP and ECG fine. But symptoms still persist.

19-06-19, 02:34
I had persistent dizziness after the birth of my son. The vertigo was constant and I couldn’t walk down a hallway straight, without feeling very dizzy. Turns out I had a double inner ear infection that messed with my center of balance. This was months ago, and I still feel someone off balance at least once a day but notice it when my ears feel full. I had an mri of my brain and head and all they found was sinus cysts. So, everyone with allergies and who are prone to ear infections, fluid buildup in the inner ear VERY commonly causes feelings of disequilibrium.

19-06-19, 16:22
Mine feels like when I turn my head fast I sometimes go lightheaded and the only way to describe is that it takes a while for my eyes to catch up I don’t no if it’s all in my head because I focus on it

19-06-19, 18:49
Mine feels like when I turn my head fast I sometimes go lightheaded and the only way to describe is that it takes a while for my eyes to catch up I don’t no if it’s all in my head because I focus on itIt could literally be that your eyes take a bit to catch up. Mine do. It isn't a nefarious circumstance though.

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20-06-19, 00:44
I've had dizziness/vertigo once from an ear infection. What I get more often is light-headedness. I describe it as feeling like my body is balanced, but my brain feels like it's bobbing around in my head. I don't know whether it's from anxiety or from my chronic illness (myalgic encephalomyelitis). Either way, it's unpleasant. I had my most severe episode of it today, which lasted several hours.

21-06-19, 14:56
I've been experiencing dizziness for just under 2 weeks. I injured my ear (stupidly) slightly before it began, and I hope it can largely be attributed to that, as I'm worrying about far worse things.