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06-02-18, 22:14
Hi, it’s my first time posting here. Iv just been reading about others experience of coping with Anxiety regarding health problems and I didn’t really want to post as I feel so stupid and embarrassed about the way I’m feeling. Everyone’s health issues on here do seem so much more serious than what I’m going through at the moment, and my symptoms seem so strange and uncommon that even my doctor didn’t know what to say.
Just a little background..
Iv suffered with obsessive thoughts in the past but only when it comes to my health. The first time I had major anxiety was when I was 27 and I really thought I had alopecia. (I didn’t). I had convinced myself my hair was falling out and I checked the mirror every 5 minutes. I refused to go to the hairdressers in case they spotted a bald patch. I couldn’t bring myself to watch hair adverts as I thought they just won’t apply to me as my hair would just be falling out anyway! I lay awake at night gripped in fear and panic my hair would be on the pillow in the morning and my scalp would physically hurt with the anxiety I was feeling. I did eventually get better with time and antidepressants but that same anxiety and panic about random health issues have been back to haunt me a few times since, Like the time I developed tinnitus. I was overwhelmed with panic and terror my hearing was never going to right itself. I went crying to my doctor to be told it was just congested and to inhale in hot steam in a bowl. Needless to say she was right. I can go more than a year without worrying about anything then something will trigger me and once again I’ll be crippled with fear and anxiety.
This time Iv suffered with a bad chest and cough for a few weeks. A trip to the doctors telling me I had upper respiratory tract infection, which didn’t actually worry me. The thing that’s triggered me is the other night in bed I got such a bad pain in my sinus that I couldn’t sleep. Eventually fell asleep but since that night Iv had the most awful sensation in my nose. It’s like my nose is empty. When I breath in the air rushes up my nostrils like Iv had a huge amount of vics sinus decongestant or a really strong mint. The air feels that cold that it instantly gives me a shooting pain in my forehead behind and above my eyes. The first 2 days I just tried to ignore the sensation hoping it was sinusitis. Then I GOOGLED it. I now wish I hadn’t. I don’t want to go into the stuff I read as I really don’t want to start panicking right now and I know I will. (My anxiety is worse at night)
I went to the doctors today and she couldn’t explain my symptoms? Couldn’t find anything wrong. Except the fact she thinks it’s all down to being unwell with a virus. This didn’t make me feel any better and now I just feel scared that this sensation will not go away.
Iv asked for fluoxetine today as my anxiety levels have become so high these past few days and I feel I need to start on antidepressants again.
Feeling so low and not normal! I didn’t sleep last night. When I do nod off I tend to wake suddenly a bit later and my reality hits me and I feel panicky all over again, so I’d just rather stay awake. I can’t though I work full time and I’m on my own with 2 girls. The last thing I need now is to fall apart mentally. I feel there’s nobody I can talk to about this as people just don’t understand how I’m feeling.
Any advice would be really appreciated.

06-02-18, 22:19
Hiya Lux71 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

07-02-18, 19:59
Hiyer Lux,

It’s like my nose is empty. When I breath in the air rushes up my nostrils like Iv had a huge amount of vics sinus decongestant or a really strong mint.

I have had exactly this on and off for a few weeks ! I kid you not, exactly how you are describing. It hasn't bothered me though in an anxiety sense. I've put it down to having had flu, the weather being very cold and drying and the fact I've been breathing heavily through my nose as a bit congested. I have a theory......I think that sometimes if your sinuses are a bit clogged up, then sometimes the air rushing in only sticks to going in in one smaller channel nasally, and it gets dry/cold feels like you describe. I've had it from being in air conditioning too.

Oh by the way......a big welcome to you.