View Full Version : Cinnamon and liver

07-02-18, 02:25
So I have been consuming large amounts of cinnamon for a month straight. Probably over 50grams a day, was hooked on the taste.
Where my liver is, is sore but I didnt know cinnamon was toxic till now. Just wondering should I see a dr or just stop eating cinnamon and it will all clear up. Kind of scared but don't want to agitate my dr. I have been away from here for 2 years and have not been scared. Now I am in panic that I will have liver failure from this.

Can anyone find research or studies to say me 30yrs old 100 pounds will be safe if I just stop consuming it? I can't research it or I will panic

07-02-18, 07:15

I'd just give it a rest for a while, you only need 1-6 grams a day. I just read that cinnamon can protect the liver, however everything in moderation is the best policy.
You should have excellent sugar levels as cinnamon is good for that :)

09-02-18, 14:58
Still in pain on the left side and really tired today (been off cinnamon since this forum was started) Now I am all panic about this thinking liver or kidney failure because I barely pee and when I do it smells and is dark and cloudy. I do not have a Infection we checked that.. Dr says we odnt need to do blood testing because before I over did the cinnamon my kidney and liver were just fine. She states there is no way to kill your organs with a month of silly choices.

I am now back to the old worry and lack of trust days... I am concerned I did something serious.

09-02-18, 15:14
I need to ask.....50g? I mean one pot on my spice rack if 33g, so you were eating a pot and a half of cinnamon a day? Are you sure it wasn't 50mg?

09-02-18, 18:45
was having about 4 tbs at a time in drinks foods (6 meals a day) 4 shakes a day each time with 4-6 tbs and now since all that i barely pee it stinks and it is so cloudy. Tested for uti

09-02-18, 19:51
4-6 tablespoons of cinnamon 4 times a day ? Sorry to sound so astonished, but that is an extraordinary amount, and I don't know how you could even tolerate that strength of flavour to be honest. Your doctor knows the quantity you were having?

Well, its the Coumarin, as you will know, that causes the problem. Look, I dont think anybody here can give you an answer on this. If there is a medical problem from that quantity then only your doctor can do the necessary tests needed to ascertain any liver or kidney function changes. If you are feeling really unwell, have the pain and the symptoms you say, then maybe its time to get yourself back there for more checks.

I'm sorry I can't be more help than that. :shrug: I'm also not trying to worry you to be honest, but I am presuming your doctor has generally checked you over physically and feels the concerns you have are unfounded?

09-02-18, 20:49
Also make sure you are drinking plenty of water, a couple of litres per day. This will get your water works going.

09-02-18, 21:01
dr says my kidney/liver was great the month before I made this silly mistake. Stated it can be reversed ( i can only drink 250ml every 2 hours) had the nissen fundoplication wrap so my tummy is very small :P Thank you all for helping me by the way, you are preventing a relapse of HA. Just sore on that right side under the rib and bloated but not yellow so I dono I guess just go with the flow lol

10-02-18, 04:48
Just wondering if the whole poisoning myself lead to this pain, if it will go away or if I should push for testing... Wondering if it will clear up on its own. None of us are medical professionals but anyone else done something silly and recovered by stopping what caused the issue?

10-02-18, 08:52
If you have really had, as you say above 4-6 TABLESPOONS of cinnamon 4 times a day, for a month, and you are in pain and have the symptoms you are describing - then yes I think I would ask for some other test. However, I am still struggling to understand how anyone could consume that much, and wondering if you are perhaps thinking it is more than it actually was in reality.

10-02-18, 14:51
My taste buds are
not the best, I didn't notice any issues till the last day when my mouth started to burn.

I dont know, I am trying to trust a doctor, I always second guess them, she says it will pass (asked 2 days ago) saying that since I had good results before I did that silly bit that it takes more to damage. I just am not sure what to belive

10-02-18, 22:09
I'm no doctor or an expert, but I am indian and my mother always tells me off for using too much cinnamon in my tea because it is a "warm food", too many "warm foods" like cinnamon or ginger can causes you pain when you pee and other problems (nose bleeds etc), it sounds silly and I never used to listen to her but I've had stuff like this happen before and she and other elders in my family tell me that is why.

The best way they say to counteract this sort of problem is by drinking cold milk, and sometimes milk mixed with water. People may disagree but I honestly have had pains like this before and milk cured them, I definitely think if you've consumed that much cinnamon then you should drink a lot of milk and water, atleast thats what my family would prescribe me.

10-02-18, 22:50
so just filter out my system basically? Thats what I assumed a dr would say to do too. Not much I dont think they can do. I just you know am worried about my function of my organs. I will always be cautious on amounts of anything now.

10-02-18, 22:58
so just filter out my system basically? Thats what I assumed a dr would say to do too. Not much I dont think they can do. I just you know am worried about my function of my organs. I will always be cautious on amounts of anything now.

If you aren't a vegan or aren't lactose intolerant then I highly suggest drinking a lot of milk and cold water. Yes you are filtering out your system by doing that and it will ease the pain.

I had a similar pain in my lower abdomen and I know it was because I consumed a lot of ginger and cinnamon, I would drink 3-4 cups of tea with both in them a day. I used milk to cure that and it worked wonders.

10-02-18, 23:31
can only do almond milk, have a allergy. But ye im all bloated and sore up under the rib. So annoying what I did. Was concerned I did permanent damage

12-02-18, 05:45
4-6 tablespoons of cinnamon 4 times a day ? Sorry to sound so astonished, but that is an extraordinary amount, and I don't know how you could even tolerate that strength of flavour to be honest. Your doctor knows the quantity you were having?

Well, its the Coumarin, as you will know, that causes the problem. Look, I dont think anybody here can give you an answer on this. If there is a medical problem from that quantity then only your doctor can do the necessary tests needed to ascertain any liver or kidney function changes. If you are feeling really unwell, have the pain and the symptoms you say, then maybe its time to get yourself back there for more checks.

I'm sorry I can't be more help than that. :shrug: I'm also not trying to worry you to be honest, but I am presuming your doctor has generally checked you over physically and feels the concerns you have are unfounded?

As Carys says, it's the Coumarin. But 50g of cinnamon isn't 50g of Coumarin. It varies by cinnamon type.

You may not even be absorbing it all anyway.

Have a look on the examinesupplements site if you want to understand this and how cinnamon daily levels have been revised down over the years.

But as far as liver toxicity goes, I expect your GP would know the signs of that.