View Full Version : Me again LOL ear symptoms!

07-02-18, 02:46
Sorry to post so much! But I've noticed since my attacks and the anxiety I've had random ear swooshing, almost always in my right ear. It just lasts a second or two, like a quick swoosh, almost like a pop feeling but more of the swoosh. I also sometimes feel like I'm standing on a boat-not full dizziness just a gentle rock feeling if that makes sense.

Do you guys have any ear swoosh symptoms? If so what's yours exactly like? Didn't ever happen til my 2 panic attacks so I'm sure it's from anxiety but these symptoms are so weird! Lol

07-02-18, 04:02
Ye pressure changes in the air kinda feeling. Ure just bunkering up your body when you panic. Casing hormones and fight or flight. I had that stuff on and off (i got a ent at one point to check years back) You will ride a roller coaster of symptoms with anxiety and panic. I had the emerg room 4 years ago thinking I had MS/ALS cause the body was mimicking them... It is intense the road I went on. Trust me it gets hard until you push away the fear one day and just ride out life I finally am on a settling "It is what is is" saying for my life.