View Full Version : Lymph nodes keep popping up

07-02-18, 02:55
I’ve posted on here several times about lymph nodes, every year new ones they don’t grow but they never go away, I can feel them above both collar bones and now a new one above my left, they are all soft moveable 4-6 mm ( confirmed by ultrasound) and I also had a blood transfusion a month so the hospital said it was from my periods however now I truly think it’s a lymphoma, my hemoglobin was only 7 .. I’m so scared and have a re pest ultrasound in March of left lymphnodes

07-02-18, 05:48
I can relate. I have one up in my left side of my neck
It's at the base of my neck. Soft and movable. I had it scanned and it's 9.7 mm x 4.1 mm. ENT thinks it's reactive but is re ultrasound in May. I just wish it'd go away and no.more pop up. My hemaglobin is also on the lower side.

07-02-18, 08:31
They don't grow, moveable, soft & you had a blood transfusion. The latter probably causing the lymph nodes to show.

Bad glands grow, don't move and are hard.

I had HA about lymphoma from April-November last year. I never believe the doctors/ultrasound/ENT at first. However, clearly using time as a diagnosis I am fine.

Please do not waste another minute of your life worrying about it.

Nomorepanic was my saviour and the community was fantastic.

You are fine :)

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07-02-18, 08:53
These nodes have clearly been thoroughly checked out. What do the doctors say?

07-02-18, 08:59
Best to leave them well alone until March. Don't touch them at all. What are you planning to do with your day? It's freezing here in the UK, though beautiful and sunny. What's the weather like with you?

07-02-18, 11:15
Why always more, and they aren’t ones I exactly have to go digging for either I always do monthly checks and then bam new ones, the left collar bone is of biggest concern it’s making me sick I just feel free down there’s something slow growing

07-02-18, 12:42
I’ve posted on here several times about lymph nodes

Yes, you've been posting about them for a couple years. I've replied to several.

Cancer is an uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. It doesn't come and go nor does it stop once it starts.

What are you doing to treat your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

08-02-18, 02:18
I appreciate all responds every time but why the new ones in places no one should be able to find them and I can feel it freely with no problems

08-02-18, 08:11
When you are going through a period of healthy anxiety, which you are. You become hyper sensetive to everything in your body. So these nodes were there before.

I can't stress enough how important it is to trust the doctors. Along with the positive comments on this thread.

Fishmanpa commented on my posts a few times. He went through it, trust him and his experience.

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08-02-18, 12:58
What are you doing to treat your anxiety?

Positive thoughts

08-02-18, 20:41
Thank you... again

08-02-18, 21:27
You're lucky yours are soft.. I have 2 rock hard ones.