View Full Version : The best cure is time...

07-02-18, 11:28
I used to post on here quite regularly around November 2016 - January 2017. It all started with unspecified chest pain and too much Dr. Google. Breast cancer, heart disease, MS, lymphoma, issues with back etc., I've had it all. Hell, I even had a brief tangle with schizophrenia because a terrible pdoc tried to diagnose me with a touch of schizophrenia in January 2017 after a brief chat. It turns out that thorough testing with a psychologist is a much better way to pinpoint a psych diagnosis. It turned out that I had mixed anxiety and depressive disorder.

I ended up in the hospital on the psych ward for a month. When I was there it turned out that the stabbing chest pain were an actual physical issue with my stomach and I also had some issues with overacidity in my stomach. Got fixed rather quickly with some pills. But I also had a lot of other physical symptoms which were depression/anxiety related, especially back pain, chest pressure and sleep issues.

At my worst, I had a terrible fear of sitting down because I was convinced that I would feel bad when I sat down.

After a month in the hospital, two and a half month outpatient and several months of therapy and meds /am still taking some but less, also still in therapy/, I feel ok now (well asides from having the flu right now).

What sucked the most when I was at my worst was that I wanted to do so many things but all of them seemed like such a battle. It all seems so simple now looking back on it.

I think about how many things I could have done with my free time when back sick.

But I suppose that with these kind of conditions you have to give it a lot of time. More for some, less for others.

The reason why I came to write it here is because when I was coming here in the past it was in the hope of a quick solution. I would have prefered to be seriously sick, just so that I knew what was wrong because what worried me the most was that I would suffer for long.

There are no quick solutions, healing takes it's time. One thing I can tell you though, if you have health anxiety, perhaps coming here is doing you more harm than good. I actually got ideas about illnesses I could have. I think I was kinda lucky that I had to go cold turkey from Dr Google in the hospital (no phones allowed), but then again in the hospital you also get plenty of ideas.

I didn't start to recover until I came back from the hospital. There is no simple and quick solutions, but there were some things that helped me asides from meds and therapy - I started exercising every day, going for walks, I read a lot, spent a lot of time with friends and family.

In the last year, since being sick, I travelled a lot, bought a car and finally got over fear of driving (well, it's still a bit of work in progress),returned to work full time, I just bought a flat and next week I'm getting my Westie puppy, fullfilling a life long dream of ahving a dog.

What I came in to say is I know that the tunnel is long and dark, but eventually it will pass and light will come back in even if it doesn't seem that way at all right now.