View Full Version : Alcohol

04-07-07, 10:18
Hiya all
Feeling like i need a rant.lol:blush:
I have been tring to cut down on alcohol for about the last 3 years and i just can not seem to do it. :weep:
Im fine during the day but when evning comes its all i can think about. Having a meal without wine just isnt the same. I dont leave the house so sitting down to a nice glass of wine is soooooooooooooooo nice.
Promblem for me is it doesnt stop at one:lac:
I end up drinking way too much every night. I know it will only make me feel worse, feeling like a falier for not being able to control it, worried that i am causing damage to my body, and just feeling really lousy about it.
Perhaps i need to fine something else i enjoy to do in the evnings:wacko:
I really need to get this under control as i know i will feel alot better if i can stop drinking.
Sorry for ranting. I need a big kick up the bum from you guys:ohmy:

04-07-07, 13:08
Hi I think maybe you do need to occupy yourself in the evenings if this is when your drinking the most.Have you tried support such as AA:hugs:

04-07-07, 14:10
I'm the same except at the moment I feel ill (ill as in had chest pains and

panic last week after too much alcohol so have given up again in worry) I

know as soon as I feel better again I will want a drink or five. :blush: :frown:

04-07-07, 14:13
Maybe you could make a plan to cut down, so that you do it gradually. i have had to give up cos of the meds i am on. But i was reading a book about planning changes in your life. Maybe week 1 decide how much you are going to drink eg 3 glasses, week 2&3 2 glasses etc etc. Wine is Ok as long as you dont over do it. I would even go to the extremem of deinking what I should and tipping the rest down the sink so that i cant drink it. Alcahol is a depressant and ends up making you feeel worse. There is a danger that you are becoming dependednt on alcahol,and believe me YOU DON'T WANT TO GO THERE! I KNOW FROM EXPERIENCE!

04-07-07, 14:18
If it's wine you like then I going to make a suggestion close to heresy and may be taken outside the chatroom and beaten up for it ..... but could you add something to thin it down like soda water or cough.. lemonade!! :blush: :D

I'm just thinking if at first you keep the overall amount the same but a percentage is now a mixer then you will be cutting down in a less painful manner - abit of wine is very good for you anyway so I doubt you would need to cut it out completely.

I'm just visualising my ex and my father if they heard this suggestion and it aint priddy!!!:ohmy:

Piglet :flowers:

04-07-07, 22:09
its hard to give it up i know but i did 14 yrs ago still have cravings not as bad but latly more so its because of the mood ive been in.but thank god i havent broke down....maybe like ya said try a hobby...get a support system AA a sponser that you can talk with.i wish you all the best...Linda

04-07-07, 23:00
Hi Blackie:D

I have just this problem but I have had to cut down owing to pancreitis:ohmy:

My two tips are as Piglet suggested water it down wine soda water and ice is nice and a bottle of wine goes twice as far and its adding to your water intake daily secondly try and make it later and later in the evening till you have a drink this works well:yesyes:

Im just like you fine all day but come the evening I could kill for a drink:lac:

Try these suggestions they work:yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs:

miss motown
04-07-07, 23:26
maybe try cutting down abit. i have a 19year old daughtor who likes a drink she liked it so much she was admitted to hospital only last week as she was vomiting all the time and couldent keep knothink down she had to have blood tests and they came back she had problems with her liver they were quite shocked at such a young age shes promised she wouldent drink when she comes home i just hope this has scared her you dont realise the damage it can do i lost my nephew due to alcohol he was 23 anyway im babbelig on just try and cut it down abit

05-07-07, 15:48
Thanks for all your replies.
lmao piglet. lemonade and wine. :lac: lol. Actually there is a wine called lambrusco. Its 3 units per entire bottle and it does taste nice. :yesyes:

miss motown: im really sorry to hear about your daughter and nephew. I hope your daughter will make a full recovery. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Linda and yorkylover, it would be nice to have something to do in the evnings. But as i find it impossiable to go out and life in a village there really isnt much to do outside the home.
kazzie, yeah drinking later in the evning is a good way not to overdo the alcohol. Im fine during the day anyway, so thats not a promblem but i have started drinking about an hour later.
Northan sky, i found i got chest pains after drinking alot. Apperently it was because i was tense that the musles round my heart were all wound up. Still doest feel nice though. hope you can quit hun.
Thanks bearcrazy, no, i really dont want to get dependant on alcohol. I use to use it to get into collage when i was there. Now i wont go out under the influence of alcohol. It just masks the panic.

I think what i will try is drinking with dinner and then afterwards stop and move onto something else. Also will need to try and find something to keep me occupied in the eavnings. Also i have got some hot choc :yesyes: which i only have as a treat. I could have that before bed.
Thanks again guys for all your help. Take care

05-07-07, 15:59
Thanks for all your replies.
lmao piglet. lemonade and wine. :lac: lol. Actually there is a wine called lambrusco. Its 3 units per entire bottle and it does taste nice. :yesyes:

When I was a much younger Piglet and carefree I used to get quite off my face on Lambrusco!! :blush: :wacko: Thankfully I learnt the error of my ways and now stick to water, so I am an extremely cheap date too!! :yesyes:

Love Piglet :flowers:

07-07-07, 11:29
When I was a much younger Piglet and carefree I used to get quite off my face on Lambrusco!! :blush: :wacko: Thankfully I learnt the error of my ways and now stick to water, so I am an extremely cheap date too!!

Love Piglet :flowers:

Wow that is impressive.lol. :yesyes:

10-07-07, 21:41
Well i went yesterday without any alcohol but tonight i have been very naughty and still want abit more.:weep: :weep: :weep:
grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr rrrr

10-07-07, 22:43
Try your best hun - that's all you can do!!

Love Piglet :flowers:

11-07-07, 11:59
Thanks piglet
I managed not to have anymore so i guess thats not too bad.

11-07-07, 12:01
Oh well done Blackie - most impressed mate!! :yesyes:

Love Piglet :flowers:

11-07-07, 16:26
Hi! I have the same problem. Last month after a week of
everyday drinking I said myself "stop!" and went to by a membership in a fitness gym. It's quite
expensive so my plan was to spend money on it instead of alcohol. It works so far. I spend evenings in the gym (with nice mixed sauna). The progress is that I don't drink alone anymore, only when I go out with buddies.

Good luck

12-07-07, 10:53
Thants great Slavik. Sounds like a fab idea. And a great way to get fit too.
Unfortunattly i am agorophobic so getting out to a gym would be very hard and costly. Although saying that there is a small gym close by to my house. Maybe i should have a look at it. My dad use to go there. I wonder.... keep ya posted

12-07-07, 11:17
Slavic what a good idea - yes Blackie that could be an goal to try for that sorta deals with agoraphobia and the drinking all in one go. Sounds good!!
Perhaps you could aim just to go there and look the first few times until you feel comfortable to stay a little longer etc etc and build it up that way.

Love Piglet :flowers:

12-07-07, 11:45
Yeah, start of small and stuff. Only promblem is the cost. Gyms are expensive. And there other promblem is getting there and back. Its abit too far to walk and i dont drive. But i need to find something to do in my eavnings other then sitting in the bath reading a book all night.

12-07-07, 11:46
Hey Blackie:hugs: i used to drink every night too,awful desperate drinking:weep: If i did not have wine in the house i was frantic:ohmy: Then i made a decision,drink only at weekends:) sounds easy, was hard to do:ohmy: The hangovers made me panic so i found i was having a drink during the day too:ohmy: this scared me as my Mom is dependant on whiskey!!:lac: No fun watching her i can tell you..so although my eldest son still reminds me of how awful i was as a drunken old fool[saying that, he was so awful as a teenager that was why i started depending on it any way:wacko: to block evey thing out,tho it was of course my decision in the first place and cant lay the blame at other's door!:blush: ]...i am proud to say i only drink at weekends ..white wine and soda..i am at some point thinking of going tea-total :ohmy: as i find that once i start i still have too much.You are doing so well hun..all these ideas you have are wonderful..if you want to pm at all..feel free,i do believe their is a differnce between a drunk and an alcholic..tho the line is very thin..once you have proved to yourself you can go with out it the need is not so great..once i found this forum i found having the pc and folk to talk to took y mind off wanting to drink..it was a very bad habit..so when you feel the urge..come on hear Hun..it soon passes:hugs: Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxx

12-07-07, 21:14
Thanks paddie:hugs: Well done on only drinking during the weekends. Thats really great. I can imagine how hard it is. I quit smoking this year and now seven months on i have onkly just thrown out the lst of my ciggies. They were my safty net. Now i am free of them i feel loads better and i hope i can do the same with alcohol.
Todays been pretty good. Just had some lambrusco and unlike a wee picklet it doesnt get me of my face.lol :winks:
Well i have a meeting tomorrow with a lady from the OU. Then on monday i have an exam.:ohmy: :ohmy: :ohmy: Then a meeting on tuesday with some people to see if they can give me any support.Will be glad by this time next week.
Still feeling good cutting down on my meds. Hopefully in a few weeks i cn stop altogether. :yesyes:
Take care all

12-07-07, 23:27
WARNING.. pseudo-psycho-nonsense contained in this reply...:) ...

For me at least, and I suspect it is often the case, the problem isn't the alcohol but the reason why you need to drink it. If you say you are only going to drink at weekends then that isn't really tackling the root cause (Still probably a good idea though!).

Be honest with yourself about why the alcohol is important to you (and if it is Lambrusco then the answer won't be "taste"!) and look to solve that (e.g. boredom, anxiety etc).

I don't mean to sound preachy or idealistic, just offering some thoughts based on my experience.


12-07-07, 23:32
Jakob - I applied this principle to myself in recent months as I wanted to lose weight (and I have :yesyes: ).

I worked out that much of my food intake was boredom etc and once I realised that then I began to take steps to make myself busier and I now ask myself am I actually hungery, or am I bored etc before I put the food to my mouth. I guess this principle could work on a lot of issues couldn't it.

Blackie any reduction at all is good mate and we all have to start somewhere.

Love Piglet :flowers:

13-07-07, 12:34

Jakob, i understand what your saying. There are two reasons why i drink. The first is bordom. The second is i love a nice bottle of wine with a meal. I do love good food and wine.:yesyes: The lambrusco helps because i can drink it to fight the bordem and not go over the limate.

Well done on losing the weigh piglet:yesyes: . Every since i quit smoking i have been snacking:blush: . Need to take a leaf out of your book.

13-07-07, 22:45
I love u guys

13-07-07, 23:03
Lol Blackie - we love ya too mate. :yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

15-07-07, 16:35
Just another thought, because you said how much you love good food and wine,... only buy really expensive wine. I initially thought of this half as a joke but I'm not actually sure that it is. You won't be able to afford to drink a bottle a night and will get more pleasure out of drinking some quality stuff.


PS Piglet, congrats on the weight loss. I have the opposite problem. The 'anxiety diet' is way more effective than the Atkins :)

16-07-07, 09:18
Drank too much last night, starting to feel the effects of reducing my tablets and have an exam in 5 hours.
Some one please do the kind thing and SHOOT ME!!!

16-07-07, 10:07
Lots of water hun and all the best for the exam.

Love Piglet :flowers:

16-07-07, 10:21
Thanks piglet

I feel so terrified and trapped. My stomach is doing loop the loops, my mind is thinking all this crap and i cant get out of this. I keep tring to reassure myself but i just feel really bad. Sorry, i am really moaniing but i cant calm myself down. I just want this to be over

16-07-07, 16:52
Finished exam, no idea how ive done but at least its over!!!!!!

16-07-07, 18:21
Fingers crossed for you hun. :yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

17-07-07, 11:12
Thanks piglet.

I had the meeting with the mental health team today. The lady was really nice. She says she thinks it would be a good idea to go to an alcohol cancilling thing. That way i get out of the house which will help overcome the agorophobia and help me to stop using alcohol to feel better. Shes thinks the waiting list is about 6 weeks. But being able to get there could be a big promblem. But i have got to start leaving me house and at least it gives me over a month to prepare.

17-07-07, 11:38
Sounds like a good plan lovie! :yesyes:

Piglet :flowers:

17-07-07, 12:36
Hi Blackie :hugs: well done on the exam hun..wowee!!hey hangover makes things soooo much worse doesnt it..That sounds good the alchohol councellng mate:yesyes: As Jacob asked.why only weekends???:shrug: I dont know myself..social maybe..i like it ,it gives me confidence:blush: But then i dont like the next day:wacko: :lac: as i said maybe tea total is the way to go..or simply know when to stop!!i do not have the same resistance as i did when i was a daily drinker..so one glass too many and i am gone!!:wacko: I gave up smoking too Hun..so huge well done for that..it is soooo hard ..i cant bear the smell now!!!I am now trying to give up food:D All the best hun.Love Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

23-07-07, 09:40
Thanks paddie. I cant stand the smell of the smoke now either.
I was thinking of tring the no alcohol wines and beers. No idea what they will taste like but its worth a try. I will let you know if they are any good. I think part of it is just breaking the habbit. I dont know.
Take care all

23-07-07, 11:16
Ooh that's good thinking!!

Years ago when I did smoke and was giving up I used like a plastic cigarette or even a pencil for a few weeks - so I was still doing the action of smoking but not really smoking and it worked for me.

Love Piglet :flowers:

23-07-07, 14:21
Thats Great News On Your Exams Blackie And I Wish You The Best With Your Treatment"alcohol Counceling" Its Also Good To Get Out For This It Will Help You...i Stopped Drinking Wayyyyy Back And Here In The States We Have Beer Here That Says Alcohol Free.. Ya Read The Back Its Something Like 1.5 Alcohol So Be Careful With That.i Wish Ya The Best........linda

23-07-07, 15:14
Nice one piglet. :yesyes: When i quit smoking i used nicotine patches and it made the difference between making it or failing.
Thanks Linda. The stuff i am looking at it like 0.3 % so thats ok.
The link below shows the place i am looking at. (Am i allowed to post links??:ohmy: )

23-07-07, 19:36
The Alcohol habit is the easiest one to fall into and one of the hardest ones to get out of. I know exactly how you feel, having a drink and night would relax you and remove the world from off your shoulders, suddenly instead of tense and worried, it makes us relax and carefree.

I had the same problem, but i just had enough of feeling crap, and panicy and new this would NEVER improve unless i cut way back on my alcohol intake. So i set myself a date and from then on i would only allow myself to have a drink at the weekends. things changed very quickly indeed and i began to feel alot better, dont get me wrong as i do have my slips like i'm having at the moment but all in all i felt alot better and i'm sure you will too!!!

very best of luck

geordie flower
23-07-07, 20:14
hiya, i too find that when i have a few glasses of wine on an evening i feel so much better and normal again, since my anxiety started in nov last year ive gone rom just drinkong on a weekend to having a bottle of wine at least 5 nights a week, and its resulted in a 2 stone weight gain!!!!!! I start the day off with all good intentions of not drinking that evening but by 8pm i can feel myself wanting a drink, and i know that for at least a few hours that evening i will feel normal again if only for a few hours. Its a horrible vicious circle i really want to break. :weep: So blackie i can totally relate to you take care tracey x

24-07-07, 22:05
This is so unfair. I am not an alcoholic and dont quallifiy for alcohol treatment, people are just passing me on from one place to another making me feel guilty in the first place. I just want to get better and overcoem this fing agorophobia. Wot the hec do i need to do to get and stupid health.
How stupid, how really stupid. There is no hope.

24-07-07, 23:35
Blackie has something happened hun???

Who is passing you on from place to place etc.:shades:

Love Piglet :flowers:

25-07-07, 12:52
Blimy i really cant type when i am angry...sorry about that:blush: :blush: :blush:
Its just i really am tring to get better and there is just no help out there. The mental health team reffered me to the alcohol unit so i am off there hands. The alcohol unit say they cant help as its not the drinking that is a promblem, more of a side effect. I mean, what on earth do u have to do to get some help. Chain myself to the railings utside there office. :winks:
I just so badly want to be able to leave my home instead of being trapped. Its driving me crazy and upsetting my parents.
I know you do have to do it yourself and i am tring.
i have gone to the doctors on my own
done a 3 hour exam]
Walked to the post box
Am planning on going to get my hair cut round the corner. (there is a shop there, i dont just sit round the corner and get passes by to give me a trim)
And am planning to go out with dad in the car for a short drive to get use to that.
Sorry i am really ranting. :ohmy: Just some days its like hitting your head agaisnt a brick wall:wall:

25-07-07, 13:34
Blackie you are trying hun and you are to be commended for that - being agoraphobic too I appreciate just how hard some of the things you are trying to do are.

No wonder you feel upset - it's not at all acceptable to be passed back and forth. In actual fact if the alcohol team can't help then of course you should go back to the mental health team.

May I suggest going to the doctors and discussing precisely where you do go from here as no support at all is unacceptable.

Meanwhile keep doing the steps you are as they all help!

Piglet :flowers:

25-07-07, 15:01
OOh Blackie mate:ohmy: i can see why you are so angry hun bun:hugs: Very sound advice from Piglet there..go back to the drs and say..NOW WHAT!!!The councelling should never have been instead of other support as you say you are not an alcholic!Anymore than i am or bottle blonde is [hi hun bye the way:hugs: ]You are doing great hun..going out doing things they soon add up ,believe me they do..here anytime you need a chat ..you too b.b....i used to get that 8 o'clock feeling too..honestly i did..still do sometimes ..bit like giving up the fags..wait till the urge passes and dont look at the urge and analyse it hun..just go do something else ..i would have a pint of water!!!It was like using the plastic ciggie thing !! i was using the same motion as drinking but with no alcohol:ohmy: it worked eventualy and i still use that trick now if i get the urge in the week..like any habit it takes a long time to break and get used to..love to you both..Paddie.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxps how come i have not lost two stone by not boozing every night :ohmy: no fair:flowers: