View Full Version : Would Lyme disease show up on MRI?

07-02-18, 15:57
I've been having the same weird symptoms on and off for the last 6-7 years and I'm very worried it all points to Lyme disease...

I'm just wondering if after 7 years it would be more obvious something was going on? And would Lyme disease show up on an MRI? I've had 2 of my brain and they're both ok.

My symptoms are the following:
(And these come and go during the day. But then I can also be absolutely fine for months with nothing, until they return for usually a month)

Light headedness
Feeling spaced and 'out of it'
Numbness and tingling
Loss of memory
Feeling generally less bright than I used to

I'm kind of freaking out at the moment... spiralling :(
Thank you

07-02-18, 16:07
Light headedness
Feeling spaced and 'out of it'
Numbness and tingling
Loss of memory
Feeling generally less bright than I used to

You know two of those are the cause of all the others, not additional symptoms, right?

Never underestimate anxiety. Never underestimate depression.

Sounds like you've had this for a long time, have you ever seen anyone professionally for feeling like this? (I mean specifically for the anxiety and depression, not chasing individual symptoms)

07-02-18, 16:15
Thank you for your reply.

It's just hard to accept it's anxiety because sometimes when I feel so anxious I don't get any symptoms. I can have full on panic attack and not experience any of these symptoms. I'll be fine for months and then suddenly or gradually the symptoms come back - and the anxiety comes with them - usually after them.

I feel I generally have a pretty good hold on my anxiety and I've done a lot of CBT and I even know what I'm doing right now is counterproductive (seeking reassurance) but I'm really struggling with this on my own. I don't like to talk about it with my friends or family because they all just think I'm exaggerating and that it's 'all in my head. I've seen various counsellors but it's hard because I can't afford private and the waiting list for nhs counselling is 9 months plus.

I read that Lyme disease can cause anxiety because the Lyme bacteria enters your brain, causing inflammation and therefore anxiety and depression.

It's a catch 22 because I feel so good when I'm symptom free and I wonder how I even had health anxiety in the first place and then BAM I feel like crap again.

The neurologist told me it was functional neurological disorder or hyperventilation syndrome so this would explain the tingling and spaced feeling.

But the Dr has told me the nausea is probably from a bug this time. I'm so exhausted, I just want to wake up and not feel sick. Everytime I eat I feel sick.

07-02-18, 16:36
Thank you for your reply.

It's just hard to accept it's anxiety because sometimes when I feel so anxious I don't get any symptoms. I can have full on panic attack and not experience any of these symptoms. I'll be fine for months and then suddenly or gradually the symptoms come back - and the anxiety comes with them - usually after them.

I feel I generally have a pretty good hold on my anxiety and I've done a lot of CBT and I even know what I'm doing right now is counterproductive (seeking reassurance) but I'm really struggling with this on my own. I don't like to talk about it with my friends or family because they all just think I'm exaggerating and that it's 'all in my head. I've seen various counsellors but it's hard because I can't afford private and the waiting list for nhs counselling is 9 months plus.

I read that Lyme disease can cause anxiety because the Lyme bacteria enters your brain, causing inflammation and therefore anxiety and depression.

It's a catch 22 because I feel so good when I'm symptom free and I wonder how I even had health anxiety in the first place and then BAM I feel like crap again.

The neurologist told me it was functional neurological disorder or hyperventilation syndrome so this would explain the tingling and spaced feeling.

But the Dr has told me the nausea is probably from a bug this time. I'm so exhausted, I just want to wake up and not feel sick. Everytime I eat I feel sick.

Well, just because you've had CBT before doesn't mean you'll never need it "topped up" when you're having a bad time. And yeah, waiting times are awful aren't they?

The neurologist's opinions sound like a posh way of saying "anxiety" to me, as I'm sure you know. And part of anxiety is making connections that shouldn't be - we're just as capable as anyone of getting sick, and will get plenty of common-or-garden colds, flus, bugs and viruses that aren't connected to other symptoms we're feeling due to anxiety.

Hang in there. It sometimes feels like you'll feel like this forever, but it sounds like you're clued up and know what you need to do, and having a blip. And you know deep down there's no need to go chasing diagnoses for things when you know you can put it down to anxiety.

07-02-18, 16:45
Thank you for your kind reply, it is very much appreciated. I really need to stop googling and overreacting to my symptoms.

I'm sure they'll pass!

I've even had the standard Lyme disease test from the Dr and it came back negative but obviously I've read into it and the test is pretty unreliable (Google strikes again)

I'm hoping of all hopes I will feel better soon.

Thank you x

07-02-18, 17:00
I've even had the standard Lyme disease test from the Dr and it came back negative but obviously I've read into it and



Seriously, you know Googling is the worst thing to do. If you feel the drive, sit on your hands, do something else, move your phone and laptop into a different room so you're not tempted. It's the most self-destructive thing you can do.

07-02-18, 17:08
True that! I wouldn't have known half the diseases I know now if I never googled :(

07-02-18, 17:11
True that! I wouldn't have known half the diseases I know now if I never googled :(

God yes, you see that so much on here... "I'm scared my postfibular aeortal flue is misaligned with my Shatner's Bassoon, does this mean I've got haematomic vascular fragmentation disease"?


We're all like this, but you know what they say, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing!

07-02-18, 17:20
No, lyme disease would not show up on an MRI. I'd suggest going to your doctor with your symptoms, and see what they can do for you. Your symptoms overlap with anxiety too. A doctor would know best in this. :)

She's already had the test and it came back negative. Anxiety's taking her down the tried and tested "test accuracy" route, but she's been checked out and she's fine. But yes, a doctor's visit to discuss anxiety (even if CBT's been done before) is never a bad idea.

07-02-18, 20:10
No, lyme disease would not show up on an MRI. I'd suggest going to your doctor with your symptoms, and see what they can do for you. Your symptoms overlap with anxiety too. A doctor would know best in this. :)

I've read that it does (before I promised to stop googling haha) which puts my mind at ease some what. I think it would if enough damage to your brain had been caused.

I'm starting to think all my symptoms are from chronic hyperventilation syndrome. I constantly breath from my chest and over breath when I'm anxious.

All all my symptoms match that - even nausea.

It's soul destroying to be stuck in another health anxiety loop. I told myself 2018 would be clear of them!

08-02-18, 18:31
I just thought I'd update this post to share that I actually have a UTI! Totally spent the last 3 weeks trying to convince myself it was anxiety. But Dr confirmed it today!

Very relieved!! Now I can start feeling better :)

08-02-18, 21:25
I just thought I'd update this post to share that I actually have a UTI! Totally spent the last 3 weeks trying to convince myself it was anxiety. But Dr confirmed it today!

Very relieved!! Now I can start feeling better :)

Good stuff - always remember that between "just anxiety" and "horrible disease" there's a billion things that are "annoying but benign". ;)

09-02-18, 00:11
Very true!
Simplest explanation is usually the right one! ;)

09-02-18, 08:14
Very true!
Simplest explanation is usually the right one! ;)

Indeed! https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occam's_razor