View Full Version : Hot Epsom Salt Bath Reaction ugh

08-02-18, 05:58
I started taking warm epsom salt baths for my anxiety and to relax me before bed. Tonight I accidentally got the water way too hot but went ahead and stayed in about 15 mins with 2-3 handfuls of salt. Afterwards I got out and felt super hungry so went to make a sandwich, as I'm making it I felt really weird, just flushed and like I may pass out I guess. My hands got shakey bc I got scared and panicked too, but this was not a panic attack. I can only explain it as a sudden flush over my entire body and just felt weird.

Anyone else ever have this with Epsom salts or just too hot bath water? I ate and drank water afterwards and felt better but it scares me, I wonder if maybe my blood sugar suddenly dropped or maybe my blood pressure? It happened like 15 mins after I was already out of the bath.

10-02-18, 04:18
Yes. Especially if I’m over heated. The exact same happens to me!

10-02-18, 11:23
I'd say the water was too hot

10-02-18, 11:31
Water was too hot, as the others say. My daughter has done this in a bath a couple of times, stood up and then fainted a minute or so later...it sounds like you took yourself to the point of almost fainting. The blood is taken to your skin and extremities to try and cool you (which it can't do because you are over heating yourself in really hot water!) and then there is less circulating to your head. A too hot bath like this can affect blood pressure and make you dehydrated too. (hey, ok, I'm not a medic, so someone can come and explain this better! )

So, you know what to do now, don't sit in a too hot bath for 15 minutes. If you feel like this again its easy to solve, get your head down lower than your heart for a while and the feeling should pass. So, it's not an 'epsom salt reaction' but a standard reaction to the bath. However (you can look up fainting on the NHS site and it will give more guidance), if you start feeling faint or fainting and its not something has happened to you before - it is recommended you see your doctor.

16-02-18, 18:56
Ah well, clearly got over that without needing to check on any replies.....

16-02-18, 19:26
Ah well, clearly got over that without needing to check on any replies.....

As many many people do :shrug::lac:

16-02-18, 19:49

17-02-18, 02:00
Almost identical question here:
