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View Full Version : Hi fellow sufferers of GAD

08-02-18, 09:16
I am new to the forum. I am currently dealing with Generalised Anxiety Disorder. I was ill over Christmas with tonsillitis and then the flu and for some reason this tripped me into spiralling down into GAD. I became so anxious about my health and about getting better that soon it became impossible to distinguish the symptoms of illness from the symptoms of anxiety. After a number of trips to my GP and tests to rule out health concerns, I have had to accept that I am suffering from GAD and take time out to deal with it.
I love my job and it has been really hard to be off work but I have felt so physically awful, I couldn't do it.
I am in my second week of 15mg Mirtazapine. This drug was chosen to help with putting back on some of the weight I lost with being ill and with struggling to eat while I have GAD. Also to help with sleep. I have struggled with side effects but I think the benefits outweigh them so far and my GP assures me they should settle down as I get used to the drugs.
I am determined to get better and am using Mindfulness meditation, I've started talking therapy (a mix of CBT and compassionate mindfulness), I am aiming to get out for a walk everyday and I am reading up on compassion based mindfulness.
It took me a while to get my head around being on the tablets but in the end I had to accept that I wasn't functioning on my own and that my body was too depleted after being ill to put it through more weeks of struggling to eat. The plan with the Mirtazapine is to give me a break from the physical symptoms so that I can work on the anxiety and its root causes without being overwhelmed by physical feelings that impact on the quality of my sleep and ability to eat.
This has turned out to be quite long!
Thanks for reading,

08-02-18, 09:24
Hiya jalapeno and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

08-02-18, 09:33
Welcome jalapeno :D
It is good to hear from someone that accepts there anxiety and does get help :yesyes
Enjoy the site.x