View Full Version : VERY worried about a friend

04-07-07, 13:18
I have a friend (Emma) who some of you might already know about if u read my other thread "all I do is mess things up" we were getting on very well last Wednesday (27th June) and I thought great things are OK again. I felt really happy but I saw her again on Sunday and I was in a funny mood a really negative mindset so I assumed that her and a couple of our friends weren't talking to me. I realised this wasnt the case I felt a bit silly so I spent the rest of the night trying to put things right and have a laugh. I think I was trying too hard and maybe being too much in Emma's face. We have had our problems because I rejected her a few weeks back which upset the both of us but she said she was OK.

Basically she has a lot going on, she hates her job she has very low self esteem, she failed her driving test a couple of months ago but has another test next week (if she drove it would really improve her job prospects). She told me yesterday that she thinks she is having a nervous breakdownand doesnt know what to do. I have told her that maybe she should get some help but she says she wants to sort it out by herself. I want to help her but because of what's happened between us I dont think she would want my help or I might make her worse even though I went through almost the exact same thing about a year and a half ago. I know what she's going through and I know I can help because I have read self help books I see a psychologist I am interested in psychology as I will be studying it. I have learnt all these tecniques and methods to overcome these feelings but I feel I am powerless I really want her to get some help. I wish I could wave a magic wand and take these feelings away from her.

04-07-07, 14:01
I would just let her know you're there for her mate and then be there in the background if she needs you. We all have our own way of dealing with stuff don't we and we can't learn others lessons for them. I have several friends and aquaintences who I sometimes itch to say 'you know what would help you is .....' but I feel we have to wait until our help is asked for sometimes!!

Hopefully she will recognize what a good friend you are and come to you if she needs to.

Love Piglet :flowers:

04-07-07, 22:16
hi matt,
you sound like a very caring man...sometimes people need to help themselves first,but just let her know as piglet said that your there for her if she ever wants to talk about it.......wish ya the best....Linda

11-07-07, 14:36
heya thank you.. she knows and I have told myself that I cannot take responsibility for her sadness, she feels the way she feels its not my fault I had to tell her how I felt and be honest with her. She failed her driving test today so she's really upset but im not upset. I feel bad for her. This proves that I have made progress and I would like to thank you for your helpful comments and advice :)

matt :)