View Full Version : A long post but PLEASE read and help me.

08-02-18, 16:18
Hi everyone,

I've been getting a mixed bag of symptoms over the past 3 weeks and was after some thoughts/support/advice as I'm at a tipping point. Please read this through - I apologise that it's so long.

Friday night 3 weeks ago I was off my alcohol: I had one drink and felt repulsed, which is very unusual for me!

Saturday I had unusual sensations all over my abdomen: tightness and burning in my stomach, and a mixture of stitch/cramps/searing pain around my stomach button and lower down. I panicked that it was something acute like appendicitis or ovarian cyst rupture but nothing transpired.

Sunday night I woke up feeling very nauseous: I’d drank a few beers that evening.

On Monday I was still getting unusual abdominal pains so I booked a GP appointment. I saw the GP on Tuesday who said it was gastric and to take Rennes.

On Wednesday I went swimming and that night I was awoken with stabbing pains in my lower abdominal region. I booked an urgent GP appointment and was very worried as I also felt very weak and shaky. The GP said it was probably gastric and to take Buscopan for the pains. This seemed to work. However, I was still worried all of the following weekend as symptoms were still there and they didn’t all seem to fit in with IBS. For instance, waking up in the night with stabbing pains.

I booked a GP appointment for the following Thursday to discuss anxiety medication as I felt my anxiety was becoming debilitating. The day before the appointment I went to University and noticed I was feeling feverish (or thought I was). I also had a racing heart beat and kept needing the toilet. I was getting stabbing pains in my lower abdominal region AFTER going to the toilet. I rushed home in a frenzy and noticed a localised lower right abdominal ache when I was sat down on the train (this has been going on for a few months but has been getting worse).

At the GP appointment the following day I said that I was anxious and that I didn’t feel this was entirely gastric: I mentioned the lower right ache. The GP examined my stomach and said maybe muscular. She did a load of blood tests as she thought that would reduce my anxiety but said she wasn’t keen on giving me anxiety medication as it could make my anxiety worse for the first 2 weeks.

Again, that evening I went swimming and woke up in the night with stabbing pains in my lower abdominals. I tried to convince myself it was muscular, as the GP had suggested, but this didn’t seem right as it wasn’t hurting when I tried to do a sit up (and I sure know what muscular pain feels like having in the past over exercised due to an eating disorder).

That weekend I went out with my friends but felt this constant pressure in my upper stomach region just below my sternum. It was worse when sitting down: it felt like something was over-inflated in the stomach region and slightly to the right under my ribs: uncomfortable but not painful.

I woke up in the night (having been out with my friends) with a racing heart rate. This continued every-time I stood up the next day: it was beating around 120-150. Also, when I stood up the stomach pressure was awful, to the point that I had to lie down for most of the day to relieve the pressure (and to stop my heart from racing).

On the Monday morning I noticed that my heart rate was still very elevated when I stood up and I found that I couldn’t stop checking it. I then panicked as I thought I saw a rash over my stomach area where the pressure had been so I booked an urgent GP appointment. By the time I got to the surgery the rash had gone but my heart seemed out of control. The GP read my heart rate at 120 and put me on beta blockers as she thought if my heart calmed down then my anxiety would dissipate. I took the beta blockers and they worked quickly. That night, however, I had awful nausea that kept me awake all night. This continued in the afternoon of the following day (the nausea went away for a few hours in the morning).

That night I noticed that my heart was beating quite slowly: around 50-55 and I panicked that the beta blockers were going to stop my heart so I didn’t take any more. I spent the entire night feeling nauseas again.

Today I’ve been monitoring my heart all day in case my heart rate is creeping up again and I need to take a beta blocker. I’ve also had the really bad pressure feeling in my upper stomach area, particularly when sitting down and trying to work. I’m very worried and have taken to my bed (again) but I’m also worried about staying in my bed so much.

I’m really struggling as I have so many ideas of physical ailments that keep popping into my head. I’ve thought appendicitis, ovarian cysts, heart attack, stomach cancer, and today I’ve been thinking just general swelling of the stomach/upper intestines. I’ve not been offered any tests of my digestive system: only an ovarian scan. Can anyone shed ANY light on this? Should I be pushing for more tests or for anxiety meds? What if this isn’t anxiety?

Thank you if you've read all of this xxx

08-02-18, 17:55
Sounds to me a bit like a stomach infection or gastritis. I had a similar thing a couple of years ago. Had you eaten anything different to usual?

I wouldn’t worry too much about the heart rate. It will naturally be elevated while you’re anxious.

Maybe try and relax over the weekend if you can, stick to a bland diet and see how you feel after a couple of days.

08-02-18, 19:07
Hi Redsoles, thanks for your response.

I'm sure this is gastric but not sure exactly what. I hadn't changed my diet before this started but I have, for the previous year or so, been eating VERY spicy food. It never seemed to have this effect though.

Did your gastritis cause a pressure feeling in your stomach area? I'm also very burpy today, not sure if this is all wind?? Although the pressure feels too much to be wind - it feels like there's a heavy weight being applied to my stomach, and, sometimes, like my stomach/intestines don't have enough room. My stomach is also incredibly tender to touch.

I guess I'm worried that there's something else in there. I've also been worried that this could be cardiac, as women have less obvious symptoms of heart problems. I don't know whether I need to go back to the doctors. Any suggestions?

Thank you so much.

08-02-18, 23:33
Hi there . So sorry you are having all of these issues. I obviously don’t know you and I may be totally wrong , but reading your post sounds like how I have been so many times about my health . I have gone through terrible bouts of health anxiety in my life and it is so debilitating . The symptoms you are feeling are real , and there could well be some physiological basis for them such as like your doctor suggested gastric / ins etc , the problem is these symptoms are majorly exacerbated by anxiety , and then it’s a complete vicious circle that’s hard to get out of . Sensations/ feelings become so heightened and our brains don’t rationally look at things , we start to catastrophise , “ what if this is cancer “ et etc . Your heart rate is up because of the anxiety , this was my first bout of health anxiety , I started getting unexplained chest pain , panicked , which led to a really high heart rate , I went into casualty and had ecg etc , nothing wrong with my heart but I spent months checking heart rate , it was like someone had flipped a switch and I couldn’t get it down . I too was given beta blockers but like you stopped taking them because I thought my heart would stop . I’ve had several other episodes of health anxiety , and the advice I would give you is to through everything at the anxiety , rather than focus on the physical symptoms , it’s so hard but with perseverance and help you can do it . I know you probably wanted people to respond about your actual symptoms giving suggestions on what it is or isn’t , but that really isn’t the problem here , it’s your response to those symptoms - I.e health anxiety . Hope you start to feel better soon .

09-02-18, 09:08
Thanks Beatrice for your insightful words.

I tried to beat the anxiety by going to a pub quiz last night but found myself constantly distracted by my pulse rate. I also felt very sick all evening and it was a relief to get home.

I hardly slept last night as I kept waking up with a racing heart and feeling nauseous. This seemed to make me need the toilet and I went a few times. This morning I feel very anxious and still feeling quite sick. I only had one beer so it surely can't be this.

I've booked a GP appointment to discuss going on anx meds but it's not until next Weds. Should I go in as an urgent today as I feel like I'll fall apart before next week and I want meds to start working ASAP?


09-02-18, 09:24
That’s really good that you went out to a quiz , even though you felt really anxious and you kept focussing on your pulse , at least you were doing something that would have distracted your mind a bit ( even though it probably didn’t feel like you were at all distracted at the time!) . I used to check my pulse constantly ( found ways of doing it so no one would notice in public! ). It’s also really good that you want to get help for the health anxiety , there is no harm in getting an emergency appointment if you really feel like you are falling apart , and the doctors are there to help with this as much as any other health problem that is debilitating . Maybe try the beta blockers again ( halve the dose maybe) , your heart will not stop , I promise! , also speak to the doctor about maybe going on an anti depressant , I last had my worst bought of health anxiety a while back , I was severely entrenched in it for a good year , one of the real turning points was going on Prozac , anxiety / lack of sleep causes depression and lack of serotonin , after a while of taking Prozac ( felt worse at first!) I started to slowly think more rationally . Also look at talking therapies and techniques specifically for health anxiety , let me know how you get on and I will check in later - you are going to be ok - you really are .

09-02-18, 09:52
Thanks Beatrice, your words really are soothing.

I went to the quiz because I'm worried about becoming housebound - which is what my anxiety wants me to do. I'm meant to be going away on Sunday for a night in Leeds (I live in London) and I don't know how I'm going to cope.

I'm worried about how bad the anx meds are going to make me feel before they kick in. My doc said they could increase anxiety and I already feel like it couldn't get much worse. I also feel very trapped and panic when I have a medication inside me. I'm on a waiting list for CBT but it's been 6 months and no word. I've tried to hurry it up but they wont budge.

I think I might start taking the beta blockers again today. At least then I wont feel my heart pounding (although it's actually only going between 70-80 today). I don't know whether I'll be able to have a beer in Leeds if I'm on beta blockers?

Thank you, again.

10-02-18, 07:55
It’s true that the anxiety meds may make you feel a bit worse to begin with , and I know when you are feeling rock bottom it feels like you can’t cope with getting even worse , but firstly you may not get worsened anxiety , secondly if you do you know why it’s the case and it’s a situation of riding it out for a little while , and I promise once the anti depressants kick in it is really worth it , they are certainly not the answer and magic cure for health anxiety but they certainly help . Which ones have you been subscribed? , I too was very reluctant to take them at first , it’s hard not to get her up about possible side effects etc , but they have really helped me , you need to find the right ones for you though . What dose of beta blockers are you on ? I did have a drink on mine and I was ok , but maybe take yes and see how you are with a drink on them? , it must feel really daunting about going to Leeds but like you say it’s so much better not to give in to the anxiety , it may feel good in the short term to runaway from doing stuff ( it feels instinctive when we are very anxious) but it makes the anxiety so much worse if we retreat into ourselves . Can you let the people you are going to be with that you are feeling stressed / not yourself at the moment? , they will understand , this will make it easier to cope . Whilst you have to wait for CBT , which you could do without , can you put some self help methods into place? I kind of set up some rules for myself that I tried to follow , which gave me some structure. The other thing that helped me was to accept that I had anxiety , it’s so draining fighting against it all the time and it kind of helped saying to myself “ yes you are feeling very anxious” , try and focus on any good feelings you have , no matter how small they are e.g having a bath , having a beer , what ever it maybe , it’s all about coping strategies , it’s very hard but doable !!
Here to help , as are other people on the board.

10-02-18, 09:45
I don't know whether I'll be able to have a beer in Leeds if I'm on beta blockers?

I'm on beta blockers and other meds for my heart disease. Since they lower your BP, alcohol can increase that effect. It's not wise to mix the two.

Positive thoughts

13-02-18, 18:56
Thanks for your responses,

I didn't end up going to Leeds as my heart was flip flopping every time I tried to leave the house at the weekend. I've been back to the GP this week and now I've been told I have either gastritis, stomach ulcer or reflux. This hasn't helped me though as I'm doubting the diagnosis. My stomach area is so so tender and sore that it hurts to touch, stand up and walk. It feels like something's tugging on my stomach when I walk and placing a heavy book on it when I lie down. Does this sound normal to anyone? I'm looping between worries of pancreatitis, stomach cancer, or some kind of nerve damage.

On a positive note I made it to a meeting today - had to take a beta blocker to get me there but I did it! Don't want to take daily beta blockers but thinking that they may help me to get over the acute bout of heart anxiety I'm getting alongside my gastric problems.

Thanks x

21-02-18, 13:50
Hi there
Just wondering how you are getting on ? Haven’t been on site for a while , got some health stuff going on and been trying hard to self manage it - ( not easy for us people with health anxiety issues) . If your doctor thought that anything sinister was going on they would refer you for further tests straightaway , they have to follow medical protocols etc the problem is health anxiety makes us catastrophise our symptoms and turn to worst case scenarios . I expect you have been googling your symptoms? , which of course is the worst thing to do as our brains don’t process the info rationally and we hone in on the information that supports our catastrophic thinking ! Is GP looking into ulcer etc ? You’ve got to try not to put your life on hold whilst you’ve got this stuff going on , easier said than done I know but it’s all about putting strategies in place that will help day to day .

I’m determined not to let my latest health stuff take over my life , yes - I’ve been googling ( it’s like a compulsion) , but I’m hopefully managing my anxiety so it doesn’t flip over into full blown anxiety state and panic . It is possible to have health anxiety but manage it to a level that you feel you can function etc , maybe unrealistic for you at this point to not expect yourself to get anxious at all though .