View Full Version : Sciatica?

08-02-18, 21:08
Hi everyone,

Kinda got it out of my head now that I have a DVT, and because of the time frame of my left leg pain, I'm leaning towards sciatica now as I've had back pain that comes and goes, and my outer thigh has been swollen for about 4 months now (I had a muscle strain and I'm sure that this is just scar tissue that needs massaging out). It is not tender to touch but I feel bad ache in this area that spreads to my knee and up into my back, occasionally into my groin. I feel that if it was a blood clot then I would be in agony by now. Weirdly enough if I move around the pain seems to disappear, which surely movement in DVT would make it worse? Sitting down for a long time seems to aggravate it? I would say the pain is chronic as it is every day but comes and goes with different activities. For example, today at the gym I was fine but now I'm home (about 8 hours later) the pain is back. It's only in the left side too. I know diagnosis is not possible on here but if anyone who has had or has sciatica could give some insight it would be greatly appreciated:winks: