View Full Version : Help going on Holiday

04-07-07, 15:03
:shades: Hi
I know the answer really JFDI!!!!, but I could do with your guys support and advice.
I suffering from extreme anxiety and panic attacks since this time last year, but by taking Meds and CBT I have come along way, so when hubby said he would like to go on hols I comprimised and said we could go for a week instead of 2 as we usually do, so we are all booked me my hubby and youngest daughter, an all inclusive 5* restort which we went to last year, but this is really where all my problems started last year, I was hysterical before leaving home, a complete wreck on the plane, and had anxiety and panic attacks whilst I was there, and when I got home I gradually went down hill, gave up my job, became housebound, could hardly look after myself, never mind my 2 daughters, thought I was going completely mad. But I've slowly recovered still have anxiety but nowhere near as bad and I can manage most things like driving, shopping, eating out and socialising, without too much of a struggle.
But wham this week the old terrifing panic and anxiey is back and I'm terrified that by subjecting myself to this and going on holiday, I am am going to put myself back to square one again.
What should I do? :shrug:
Thanks for reading this and any advice will be much appreciated.

04-07-07, 15:57
Remember what you feel now will not feel anyworse when you gon on holiday, I have just come back from a weeks holiday from spain, first hols abroad for 4 years, wished i done it sooner, remember what you have learnt through cbt and us them on hols, have you read claire weekes book, i found it very helpful. hope everything goes ok,which i am sure it will. take care

04-07-07, 18:30
Hi, Im also just back from 2 weeks abroad and I coped really well.

Tell yourself that a panic attack is the same no matter where you are, so you cope at home and you will cope abroad.

Do not compare it to the previous holiday - this will only trigger off your panic. The reasons your panic has come back is because of your thoughts - thats all it is a thought and a thought can be changed.

From now until you go on holiday - every time a negative thought enters your head - say STOP -I will enjoy this holiday , Im looking so foroward to getting away and it fills me with excitement. By saying this to yourself and repeating it then you will break the negative pattern.

Give it a try - it helped me cope.

Take care
Darkangel x:shades:

05-07-07, 14:57
Tony p and Darkangel, I'm feeling more confident today, went to GP, she has given me some diazapen just incase i need it, and I will be taking "Claire Weekes" with me.
Will let you know how it goes.
Tnaks again

05-07-07, 18:17
Hi Jane

I have just returned from holiday and i always dread going, all those terrble thoughts of what ifs etc, but believe me hun all those bad things that we think about never happen. You go have yourself a great time, you derseve it, will do you the world of good just like it as me.:)
