View Full Version : Damn heart is skipping beats for days.

09-02-18, 01:30
I've read so much about stress causes these "skipped beats" but I wasn't stressed when they started?

I have had my heart skipping beats for around 4 days in a row. I have anxiety and agoraphobia and I would love to go see a doctor but I can't. I'm supposed to be getting therapy at some point but in the UK it takes weeks.

I don't know what to do. I have had palpitations many times before but they don't usually last for days. They come and go within a day usually. Also my heart rate is slightly elevated. I have no reason for it I was ill a few weeks ago at the start of January but a doctor came to my house and took blood pressure said it was fine and blood tests were ok. Then my heart rate went back to normal for a few weeks now it's like this again.. its so stupid and people say "don't stress" but when the main organ that is keeping you alive is doing flips it isn't the most settling thing to just not stress about.. I've eaten healthy. Drink plenty of water. I've cut down to 2 cups of tea a day. I dont get it. It's stopping me from sleeping and I had to just write it all out just to feel a little better..

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09-02-18, 10:05

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