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08-12-04, 04:38
Hi all! It's so nice to be somewhere, where everyone understands your problem, and exacty what is wrong! I feel so much like this is one way to help my anziety go away! It is so nice to know that the youngest person here is 11, seeing as i am only 12. I always felt like I was the only person in the whole world who felt like me, but apparently even people my age feel like me! It's such a relief! When I would get panic attacks, and I complained that I was the only one in the WHOLE world that this ever happened to. My mom, who also suffered at a young age from anziety, always tells me, "Honey, there have to be others" and that always gave me hope!
I hope that it gives you guys all hope, to know that there are other people! Even people your own age! So thanks for being here for support y'all!

08-12-04, 08:41
Hi Elly

Welcome to the forum.

It is nice to know you are not alone in suffering with anxiety. There are a few younger members here and I'm sure they will say hello at some point.

I hope you find it helpful being here.


It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.

08-12-04, 11:46
hi elly, welcome to the site, hope you find lots of help here. I too started to get anxiety at a very young age too, and am old now 55, but dont worry I have had lots of anxiety free years too and had a happy life really. I did the wrong thing to hide the anxiety when i was young I took to drink then drank alcohol for 40 years, when i should have faced the problem and made it better. anyway i stopped drink last yeas and am facing the problem at last. If you read the information on this site and try to relax I am sure the anxiety and panic wont be long lived. take care Vernon

08-12-04, 11:47
hello Ely,

Welcome to the site!! No matter what age you are, you will meet many nice people and receive loads of help and support here. Hope it helps you as much as it has helped me!!

Sarah :D

08-12-04, 13:49
Hi Elly

Good to see you're enjoying the site :D

Welcome to the forums


08-12-04, 14:21
Hi Elly

Your Mum is totally right - there are lots of people of all ages who go through this at one time or another in their lives .

Good for you for making the effort to look for some help and support to help you get through this.

Our 11 year old is so much better recently that we don't see her much any more - but I'm sure she'd be happy to get an amail from you.


You cannot conquer fear until you have learned what it is you're afraid of. The enemy is ignorance. Vivian Vance

08-12-04, 14:50
Hi Elly, welcome to the site, you'll find lots of lovely people here who all understand what you are going through, read everything you can, it helped me so much to know exactly whats happening and it makes it a little less scary, keep in touch

08-12-04, 15:34
Hi Elly

A BIG welcome to the site,

My names Jill, I started haveiing PA in June,
since finding this site I'm 95% better. and its
all down to this site and the special people on
here:D MY daughter started with PA, Anxiaty
when she was 3, she is now 11 and I would say
she is 99%better.

There is an end to all this it just takes time.

With alot of hard work and support you to can
see and end to Mr Panic.

You have come to the right place.


08-12-04, 21:12
Hi Elly

Welcome to the forum and good to see you here.

I am very impressed that you have taken the time to look for some help and get your problems sorted so we look forward to helping you through this.

Elly please let your mum know that you are coming on here as she may want to see the site to make sure you are safe. I can email her to reassure her if you want me too.

Happy posting.
