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09-02-18, 05:10
I’m thinking this is a option. Nothing I do, stops this feeling of sheer panic. I can’t breath though my nose properly. It’s not congested, it’s open. Too open. Every time I take a breath I feel I get raw cold air hitting my lungs and throat. The doctor doesn’t know what it is. Iv already been twice this week. Iv not slept for 4 nights. I need sleep I’m so tired but when I lie down my symptoms worsen 10 fold. I drove halfway to the hospital last night before turning back. I needed to tell someone how desperate I’m feeling. I feel I’ll end it all if it doesn’t go away. I live with my 2 young daughters and my son who’s in his early 20s. I feel so so alone. My doctor started me on fluoxetine 3 days ago.

09-02-18, 07:49
Do NOT give up. Anxiety Is not worth your life. It's probably your new medication. Anti anxiety meds tend to make you feel all sorts of things before making you feel better. I have bronchitis and the flu. I had 5 panic attacks yesterday just because I had read the news on the amount of flu deaths going around so of course I think I'm going to doe as well. The point is that anxiety is manageable but you have to get out of the panic cycle first.

09-02-18, 08:02

CAll them, talk to them. Ring your doctor, ring a friend, ring anyone....tell them how you are feeling now.

Lux, please look back at your posts about the nose thing...I replied to you about this a few days ago and I don't think you've seen it. Please look at it, I'm getting the same :D

09-02-18, 10:12
Hi Lux

Sorry you are feeling so bad atm.

I have posted a number of links to organisations that maybe of help to you.

Elen x

Although NMP is a Support site, just a reminder that we are not equipped to deal with the topic of suicide, we appreciate you ‘reporting’ a thread if you feel it isn’t suitable for the forum.
[/B][/SIZE][/FONT][/FONT] UK based Helplines and links

Whether you're concerned about yourself or a loved one, these helplines can offer expert advice.


* Samaritans
Confidential support for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair.
Phone: 08457 90 90 90 (24-hour helpline)
Website: www.samaritans.org.uk (http://www.samaritans.org.uk)
* Sane
Charity offering support and carrying out research into mental illness.
Phone: 0845 767 8000 (daily, 1pm-11pm)
SANEmail email: sanemail@org.uk
Website: www.sane.org.uk (http://www.sane.org.uk)
* Mind
Promotes the views and needs of people with mental health problems.
Phone: 0845 766 0163
Website: www.mind.org.uk (http://www.mind.org.uk)
* The Mental Health Foundation
Provides information and support for everyone with mental health problems or learning disabilities.
Phone: 020 7802 0300
Website: www.mentalhealth.org.uk (http://www.mentalhealth.org.uk)
* YoungMinds
Information on child and adolescent mental health. Services for parents and professionals.
Phone: 0800 018 2138
Website: www.youngminds.org.uk (http://www.youngminds.org.uk)
* Sign
Helps to prevent deaf people developing mental health problems.
Phone: 01494 687600
Website: www.signcharity.org.uk (http://www.signcharity.org.uk)
Teenage suicide prevention society.
Phone: HOPElineUK 0870 170 4000
Website: www.papyrus-uk.org (http://www.papyrus-uk.org)
* Self-Injury Helpline
0117 925 1119

* Manic Depression Fellowship
A charity helping people with manic depression/bipolar disorder.
Phone: 0845 634 0540
Website: www.mdf.org.uk (http://www.mdf.org.uk)

Abuse (child, sexual, domestic violence)

Children's charity dedicated to ending child abuse and child cruelty.
Phone: 0800 1111 for Childline for children
0808 800 5000 for adults concerned about a child
Website: www.nspcc.org.uk (http://www.nspcc.org.uk)
* Refuge
Advice on dealing with domestic violence.
Phone: 0808 2000 247
Website: www.refuge.org.uk (http://www.refuge.org.uk)

Addiction (drugs, alcohol, gambling)

* Alcoholics Anonymous
Phone: 0845 769 7555
Website: www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk (http://www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk)
* Narcotics Anonymous
Phone: 0845 373 3366
Website: www.ukna.org (http://www.ukna.org)
* Gamblers Anonymous
Phone: 020 7384 3040
Website: www.gamblersanonymous.org.uk (http://www.gamblersanonymous.org.uk)


* Cruse Bereavement Care
Phone: 0844 477 9400
Website: www.crusebereavementcare.org.uk (http://www.crusebereavementcare.org.uk)

Crime victims

* Rape Crisis
Website: www.rapecrisis.org.uk/members.html (http://www.rapecrisis.org.uk/members.html)
* Victim Support
Phone: 0845 30 30 900
Website: www.victimsupport.org (http://www.victimsupport.org)

Eating disorders

* Beat
formerly the Eating Disorders Association
Phone: 0845 634 1414
Website: www.b-eat.co.uk (http://www.b-eat.co.uk)
National Centre for Eating Disorders,
54 New Road, Esher, Surrey KT10 9NU Tel: 0845 838 2040 Email: ncfed@btclick.com


* OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) Action
Support for people with obsessive compulsive disorder. Includes information on treatment and resources.
Phone: 020 7226 4000

Charity website run by obsessive compulsives. Includes facts, news and treatments.
Phone: 0870 126 9506
Website: www.ocduk.org (http://www.ocduk.org)

Panic and anxiety

* No Panic
Voluntary charity offering support for sufferers of panic attacks and OCD. Offers a course to help overcome your phobia/OCD. Includes a helpline.
Phone: 0808 808 0545
Website: www.nopanic.org.uk (http://www.nopanic.org.uk)

Anxiety UK,
Zion CRC, 339 Stretford Road,
Hulme, Manchester. M15 4ZY

Tel/Fax: 08444 775 774
Tel: 0161 227 9898
Fax: 0161 226 7727
email("info","anxietyuk.org.uk", " "); info @anxietyuk.org.uk (info@anxietyuk.org.uk)

09-02-18, 11:12
Hi Lux I have been there my self so understand what you are going through it's dark and lonely for sure And strange as it seems it does get better over time there is a light shining in the dark tunnel head towards it and never lose sight of it :) Elen that's a excellent list of helpful organisations any chance of making it a permanent sticky page some where on the forum please? Oh one little request there is also a Overeaters Anonymous group too that could be added to the other 'Anonymous' groups. TIA :) ATB

09-02-18, 18:25
Thankyou to all of you for replying. Last night was my worst. I suffered a MAJOR anxiety attack during the night. I didnt sleep and just felt horrendous, so desperate. I ended up getting in my car just after 2 am them getting halfway to hospital before turning back. I tried to calm myself back home. Had a Horlicks, tried to breath deeply but lasted until 5.30 I then got back in my car a drove to A&E. I just didn’t know wherelse to go, was at the end of my tether. I was shaking in a panic, hyperventilating by time I got there. They gave me diazepam to calm down and chest X-ray, blood tests. Found nothing. But wasn’t expecting them to. They were really good but couldn’t explain my nose symptoms which brought on the anxiety once again.
Iv had 2 more anxiety/panic attacks since then.
Carys.. Thankyou so much for your post, You were right I didn’t read your post! just knowing I’m not alone feeling these symptoms has made me feel a little hope. How do you find your nose at night? I have to bury my head under the covers so the cold air doesn’t hurt! My theory for my symptoms was I had a bit of congestion and my doctor prescribed sterimar nasal spray which I took 1 squirt of then this happens. It contains sea salt which I think has really irritated my sinuses?? Burnt them it feels like. I’m hoping it’s only this!!
Hopefully tonight may be easier, Iv got 6 diazepam 2mg. I’m taking 1 before bed. Hopefully it will help me relax enough to sleep.
To everyone Thankyou for your suggestions and advice. I’m finding coming here my life line at the moment...

---------- Post added at 18:25 ---------- Previous post was at 18:20 ----------

Elen, Thankyou so much for all those links. Xx

09-02-18, 18:26
I have to bury my head under the covers so the cold air doesn’t hurt!

That's exactly what I do !!! Honestly, I'm not making this up. I have also put a fluffy fleece over my face to help. LOL It only lasted a few days for me, but I honestly think it's nothing to worry about. As I say, I've had it before when I've been in A/C and my nasal passages have all dried out. I've never heard of anyone else complaining about it though, you are the first :D

09-02-18, 18:40
[/COLOR]Elen, Thankyou so much for all those links. Xx

You are more than welcome, for my own reasons I cannot offer much else, but I hope that you are feeling a bit better

09-02-18, 19:16
Suicide? Hell no. Life really is worth living. I've suffered anxiety and panic for 50 yrs. The last 2 have been a nightmare. My Dr. put me on 5 different drugs to see what would work. None did....not the SSRI's anyway. Benzos did, but hey, who wants to be addicted to those? THEN..he suggested Lyrica 50 mg. 3 times a day. By the 2nd pill I knew something was up....it was literally like a LIGHTSWITCH.....panic attacks completely gone. I mean COMPLETELY. :yahoo:HANG IN THERE

09-02-18, 19:19
Lux - hang in there. I've been where you are now and no doubt most others on the site have too. What I can say for certain is that things WILL get better. That's the thing with anxiety, it is a bully but especially it's a liar. It will tell you there is no hope but there always is. There will be a time not so far away when you will look back and think how bad you felt, but you will see it from a different perspective, one of hope :hugs:

09-02-18, 19:21
That's exactly what I do !!! Honestly, I'm not making this up. I have also put a fluffy fleece over my face to help. LOL It only lasted a few days for me, but I honestly think it's nothing to worry about. As I say, I've had it before when I've been in A/C and my nasal passages have all dried out. I've never heard of anyone else complaining about it though, you are the first :D
I can’t believe how much your post has comforted me. I’m so sorry you are going through the same awful thing but at same time I feel better knowing it’s not just me!

09-02-18, 19:31
Hiyer, thats ok.....it was a few weeks ago for me actually, and lasted a few nights and was a week or so after the flu. I consider myself HA recovered so it didn't get to me too much. Also I had it this summer on holiday in the A/C and so I knew it would eventually go, even though that was unexplained too.

It drove me potty though; I was huffing and puffing to my husband trying to go to sleep, moaning about everything feeling cold/dry/burning (I don't know how can it feel cold and burning? but I know what I mean). It felt as if there was no moisture in my nose (it even felt dry inside my nose when I touched it) and I felt every 'gust' of air that I took in as if it was an icy blast, right down the back of the nose too into the soft palate. Actually, it felt like I could feel every mm of my passages inside, as the air passed over them it felt horrible and almost unbearable. I just could not get to sleep, it was really uncomfortable and unpleasant.

I found actually that having my nose close up to my arm/hand helped a bit too, as it was warming the air a bit. I'll be honest...and this is how much it was annoying me.....I dampened some cotton wool make-up pads and had those laying over my nostrils at one point lol That didn't work by the way, to save you trying, as they got cold quickly. My husband was like 'Sorry but WHAT are you doing ???'.

The really odd thing about it though, was that by the morning it was gone. Just gone. Then came back the next night. ?!?!?!

Going back to your horrible feeling this morning, as others have said. Remember its TEMPORARY. I assure you how you are feeling now WILL change, remind yourself of that if it feels too much.

09-02-18, 20:03
Hi lux, Ive spent most of the day feeling the same way , one of my big issues revolves around my breathing the worse the stress the more I'm aware of it , I woke at 3 in a total panic that I couldn't breath my throat and chest were so tight .
I've had a lot going on for long time which I won't bother you with and taking my life crosses my mind most weeks but Ive seen the way it destroys families and I've experienced several times what it's like to sit in hospital with a loved one who's taken and overdose, its heartbreaking and I know you wouldn't wish that on your kids , you hang in there for your loved ones and hang on to the hope things will get better which they definitely can , get through a day at a time or even an hour at a time until things pick up .
Take care :hugs:

09-02-18, 20:07
Lux, I also made you some 'nighttime anxiety' suggestions, on your other thread. Just saying, as I think you might not have seen that one as well ? :winks:

10-02-18, 12:20
Hiyer, thats ok.....it was a few weeks ago for me actually, and lasted a few nights and was a week or so after the flu. I consider myself HA recovered so it didn't get to me too much. Also I had it this summer on holiday in the A/C and so I knew it would eventually go, even though that was unexplained too.

It drove me potty though; I was huffing and puffing to my husband trying to go to sleep, moaning about everything feeling cold/dry/burning (I don't know how can it feel cold and burning? but I know what I mean). It felt as if there was no moisture in my nose (it even felt dry inside my nose when I touched it) and I felt every 'gust' of air that I took in as if it was an icy blast, right down the back of the nose too into the soft palate. Actually, it felt like I could feel every mm of my passages inside, as the air passed over them it felt horrible and almost unbearable. I just could not get to sleep, it was really uncomfortable and unpleasant.

I found actually that having my nose close up to my arm/hand helped a bit too, as it was warming the air a bit. I'll be honest...and this is how much it was annoying me.....I dampened some cotton wool make-up pads and had those laying over my nostrils at one point lol That didn't work by the way, to save you trying, as they got cold quickly. My husband was like 'Sorry but WHAT are you doing ???'.

The really odd thing about it though, was that by the morning it was gone. Just gone. Then came back the next night. ?!?!?!

Going back to your horrible feeling this morning, as others have said. Remember its TEMPORARY. I assure you how you are feeling now WILL change, remind yourself of that if it feels too much.

Thankyou for helping me through this. Your post has helped me put things into perspective a little and I actually managed to sleep a few hours last night. I did wake up a few times but managed to drop back off again which is good for me because once I wake I usually find my mind starts racing. Every symptom you described carys is what I have. I was really concerned yesterday because I could feel my nostrils burning inside. And it’s like you said it’s strange to feel the cold yet burning at same time. But now you mentioned you felt the same I feel less anxious knowing it’s probably just this awful illness rather than something more sinister. I slept with my head under the duvet all night. Can still feel it today though but i feel a little bit calmer. I’m sat with heating on high to help my nose yet I’m sweating...can’t win lol.:shrug:
Yep I put my nose in my arm to warm the air a bit and if I have to leave the house I’m wrapping my whole face in a thick scarf. Your story about the cotton pads made me smile which felt good after feeling so down since this started. Although it gets to the point where I’ll try anything if it just eases it! I find a warm bath helps ease it a bit.
Hopefully it will start clearing soon.
I’m still taking the fluoxintine only on day 5 and noticed was very jittery and anxious this morning which is so unusual for me, I usually get anxious at night times..? Also Appetite is virtually zero. When I do eat I’m usually rushing to loo with bad stomach ache. (Sorry if too much info!). But I’m putting it down to fluoxetine or nerves...

10-02-18, 13:47
Awwww, poor you, glad I was able to help a bit. If you look up stress/anxiety and its relationship to the nose muscous membranes, there is a link. Funny how we can literally affect every part of our bodies by getting in a pickle about things. Maybe wrong word 'pickle', but I like it as although it doesn't indicate the depth of awful feeling and how terribly it can affect you, it at least makes things seem more light-hearted and temporary. I do think that heavy breathing/hyperventilating and focus on breathing in some way leads you get to that point of 'burning hot cold dry nose syndrome' (we need a better word for it!) It WILL go I assure you, one day you will be there and think - oh, hold on,it isn't there. It will sneak up on you :winks:

Just one thing though, has this started since starting fluoxetine? Can't some AD's dry out nasal passages and give you a dry mouth in the first week or so?

Feel free to PM me if you want to about anything, I might not have the answer but I will listen. :D

Buster - you are right. Sometimes when you are suffering the future and the next day are too much to think you can get through, do it bit by bit, I'll manage the next few hours fine, then the next few hours and the next. THIS isn't forever how you are feeling right now.

10-02-18, 17:30
Hi lux, Ive spent most of the day feeling the same way , one of my big issues revolves around my breathing the worse the stress the more I'm aware of it , I woke at 3 in a total panic that I couldn't breath my throat and chest were so tight .
I've had a lot going on for long time which I won't bother you with and taking my life crosses my mind most weeks but Ive seen the way it destroys families and I've experienced several times what it's like to sit in hospital with a loved one who's taken and overdose, its heartbreaking and I know you wouldn't wish that on your kids , you hang in there for your loved ones and hang on to the hope things will get better which they definitely can , get through a day at a time or even an hour at a time until things pick up .
Take care :hugs:
Hi, Thankyou for your message. It means a lot. Iv had so much lovely support on here I really wish I’d come here sooner. I’m so sorry you are feeling so bad I can definitely relate. How are you feeling today? I hope a bit better. Night time is definitely the worse time for me. Cerys posted some excellent suggestions to pass the time and help take my mind off my anxiety. I really couldn’t ask for more support, you have all been brilliant. The one thing that kept me from doing something stupid was my kids. I felt I couldn’t bare to put them through something so terrible and ultimately it would be them that suffers. You are right I wouldn’t wish that on them. Sometimes though the misery of it all gets too much to bare. That’s when I start to think about ending it all.
My daughter who’s 11 did a school project where she had to write about herself and I came across it yesterday while sorting her school bag. On it she mentioned everyday she gets up she always makes sure she’s feeling positive about herself and ‘checks in’ on her feelings to make sure she’s in the right frame of mind. It made me feel so upset yet proud reading this. I sat there blubbering. :weep:How this little girl can be so aware of how important it is to feel good and positive. I felt ashamed if I’m honest.

10-02-18, 17:41
How this little girl can be so aware of how important it is to feel good and positive. I felt ashamed if I’m honest.

...because her loving super Mummy taught her, and brought her up that way!

10-02-18, 20:31
My granddaughter is the apple of my eye and my grandson is the first lad around the house so I have phone screensavers and photos around of them to remind me no matter how low I am that I have to stick with it , several freinds have taken that option and I can understand that when things get too bad you can't see how it would affect anyone else you just feel a waste of space and the world would be better without you but it's not the case , your family need you and need you to get better . I'm very close with my granddaughter and we are honest with each other she's very bright , a couple of years ago her young uncle died in not good circumstances, she said to me on the way to school " I'll die one day won't I grandad " I was nearly in tears but said " yes but not for a very very long time " she was only five , people don't give them enough credit for understanding what's going on in the world , I try and teach her there is a lot of good but also bad in the world , should be with them tonight but partner's got pneumonia again so just me and the dogs .
From experience life can be very cruel but it can get better and good times can be just round the corner .
Take care :)

10-02-18, 20:44
Lux, I'm sure the fluoxetine will be responsible for your unbearable anxiety and also for fixating on uncomfortable physical sensations related to breathing. You may find that the diazepam is really helpful as a short term measure to see you through the worst of the start-up phase. Doctors don't warn you about this and fluoxetine is a very "activating" drug especially if you are extremely anxious anyway.

I would just reiterate all that Buster has said. Your children need you and would be devastated if anything happened to you. You just want these feelings to go away-you don't really want to leave them on their own with all the awful legacy a suicide brings.

I hope just talking about how you feel on here will help you a little. I'm sure a lot of us have been where you feel you are. You will get better and these feelings will become less intense and less frightening.

10-02-18, 23:06
Yes I too was on the verge of it about 3 months ago and my trusted dog knew there was something wrong but showed empathy towards me she put her paw on and I called her up on the sofa and she brought me out of that dark hole and licked my face as if to say its ok I am here for you :) Iam out of the darkness now but it was scary. how you feeling now Lux? Feed off your positive daughter as those vibes will lift you up no end:hugs:ATB

11-02-18, 13:03
Yes I too was on the verge of it about 3 months ago and my trusted dog knew there was something wrong but showed empathy towards me she put her paw on and I called her up on the sofa and she brought me out of that dark hole and licked my face as if to say its ok I am here for you :) Iam out of the darkness now but it was scary. how you feeling now Lux? Feed off your positive daughter as those vibes will lift you up no end:hugs:ATB

Thankyou so much for all your support. Your post is so lovely. My dog knows something is not right. He keeps looking at me and looks so sad. Iv had a bad day today. Thought my symptoms were healing yesterday, had a good day. Felt hopeful and dare I say happy ish... then last night the symptoms were back. Went to bed hoping to wake up feeling ok but unfortunately had a panic attack this morning. It just drains me physically. I feel it in my arms oddly enough. They feel like lead weights afterwards. Like they don’t belong to me. Days like this I feel like I’m ‘on the edge’ of losing control of myself. I’m clinging on.
I’m on day 6 of fluoxetine and taking each day as it comes. Feel worse on them than before but I expected that. Just waiting for the day I start to feel better. Hopefully sooner rather than later.. I’m so glad you feel better now, it just gives me hope that if others can come out the other side there’s hope for me.

11-02-18, 13:41
Thankyou so much for all your support. Your post is so lovely. My dog knows something is not right. He keeps looking at me and looks so sad. Iv had a bad day today. Thought my symptoms were healing yesterday, had a good day. Felt hopeful and dare I say happy ish... then last night the symptoms were back. Went to bed hoping to wake up feeling ok but unfortunately had a panic attack this morning. It just drains me physically. I feel it in my arms oddly enough. They feel like lead weights afterwards. Like they don’t belong to me. Days like this I feel like I’m ‘on the edge’ of losing control of myself. I’m clinging on.
I’m on day 6 of fluoxetine and taking each day as it comes. Feel worse on them than before but I expected that. Just waiting for the day I start to feel better. Hopefully sooner rather than later.. I’m so glad you feel better now, it just gives me hope that if others can come out the other side there’s hope for me.
Xx Hi what breed is your dog? I have learnt by stroking them you are sending endorphins (good vibes) to your dog and they send them back to you lowering heart rate etc and generally lifting your spirit too :) So why not give him some love back if he is sad you will both benefit from it :) It's very draining at times so that I can relate to. Eventually the meds should settle and you will begin to feel better, in the mean time seek out some therapy via your dr the 2 can often compliment each other and you begin to recover which will be good, and there is always hope for any one who accepts help Xx ATB

11-02-18, 17:55
Hi what breed is your dog? I have learnt by stroking them you are sending endorphins (good vibes) to your dog and they send them back to you lowering heart rate etc and generally lifting your spirit too :) So why not give him some love back if he is sad you will both benefit from it :) It's very draining at times so that I can relate to. Eventually the meds should settle and you will begin to feel better, in the mean time seek out some therapy via your dr the 2 can often compliment each other and you begin to recover which will be good, and there is always hope for any one who accepts help Xx ATB
He’s an Alaskan malamute. Very big but So soft and loving. He’s 10 now and he suffers a bit with stiff joints but still as daft as when he was a puppy. I can tell he knows somethings up. He’s quieter than usual. I usually just wrap my arms around his neck and bury my head in his fur. He does make me feel better when I fuss him. Unfortunately not been able to take him out with my nose being so painful in the cold, so that’s left up to my son.
Tonight isn’t so bad. It’s strange because the mornings can be anxious yet by evening time I feel bit better. It’s certainly a roller coaster!

11-02-18, 18:23
He’s an Alaskan malamute. Very big but So soft and loving. He’s 10 now and he suffers a bit with stiff joints but still as daft as when he was a puppy. I can tell he knows somethings up. He’s quieter than usual. I usually just wrap my arms around his neck:D fuss him. Unfortunately not been able to take him out with my nose being so painful in the cold, so that’s left up to my son.
Tonight isn’t so bad. It’s strange because the mornings can be anxious yet by evening time I feel bit better. It’s certainly a roller coaster!
X Aww sounds nice pretty sure I have seen them around a bit like a Husky in appearance, mine is just turned 10 too and is just as daft as well :) Same really the weather has been pretty bad with more snow today so was a very quick walk today and my energy is so low so that doesn't help either and yet they are still there for you and don't judge or give you a hard time they love you as you are:yesyes: That's why they are so special. Night times for me can be pretty lonely, but hey have my cold fire and my dog X ATB

11-02-18, 18:34
He’s an Alaskan malamute

Awww you are SOOOOOOooooo lucky, they are THE most gorgeous creatures! I'd LOVE one of those doggies, but already have two dogs and not enough space or time. I do that with my dogs too, bury my face in the soft fur around their ruffs.

14-02-18, 12:11
Back to my panicky self. I’m sorry if I keep repeating myself over and over with the same symptoms but if I just type it down here it helps me get a bit off my chest.
Went to bed last night and not long after lying down my nose started to feel dry and uncomfortable. It started the familiar cold, dry yet burning sensation that hits the back of my throat. I tried different positions, tried burying my head under the covers to stop the cold air but this just made me feel smothered and claustrophobic. Ended up getting up and sitting downstairs all night feeling misery.
This morning I was so anxious yet so shattered, I cried tons. In front of my kids.
I feel I’m letting them down. How can I function as a mum when I’m turning into this nervous wreck? Iv made yet another appointment for the doctor at 4.30 today. This will be my 3rd appointment in 2 weeks and 1 trip to A&E.
I don’t know where else to turn. My nose is so dry and sore inside. I don’t know how long I can take this. I’m constantly txing my ex husband in a panic.
My nose feels burned and dry inside. It started after using a saline nasal spray but that was 2 weeks ago and I only used it once. Soon after I got a pain in my sinus then had this ever since! My doctor knows all this but says it’s a symptom of sinusitis.

11-03-18, 04:05
Hey Lux, I hope you are okay, have you asked them to check for polyps in your nose, or perhaps a deviated septum? My husband as polyps and he said that you could have inflamed them and it's them reacting, you will have to tell your doctor to check for these, they aren't life threatening and can be removed if they are there or get worse, perhaps get a warm thin cloth that you can get air through and put it over your nose and breath though it that may help with the cold feeling. Suggestion of my hubby.