View Full Version : Bad blood work has created heart worries

09-02-18, 05:49
Recent studies have shown that a regular blood workuo isn't directly related to bad health but that's not stopping my worries. I recently had a blood panel done at a checkup(<6 months ago). My LDL(bad cholesterol) was above 150, and my HDL(good cholesterol) wasn't at good levels. My triglycerides were also not at acceptable levels. I'm 29 y/o 5'11 and 200lbs. I come from an athletic background. The last 5 years maybe I haven't been consistent with workout out at, and my diet has been shit. I know what to do on my own to get my blood levels back to being acceptable if I can on my own now days. My worry is that with where they are at, if I'm not going to have a heart attack or something. I get pains around my chest area and have nothing really to blame it on, so I worry that it's my heart.

09-02-18, 08:14
You need to lose some weight and excercise more. Lots of people have high cholesterol. My doctor told me that she would be concerned about mine if I had diabetes. Evidently having both high cholesterol and lifestyle diabetes is a very bad combination. You only have high cholesterol so start working on that.

09-02-18, 14:42
Okay Buddy, I exercise daily, cardio, weights etc. I never miss a day. I have optimum blood pressure and a low resting heart rate. Just go a ECG Stress test done (pedaling a bike, while they monitor the different locations around your chest). Optimal results, I think I arrived at 290kilawatts till i reached Max HR.

I have high cholesterol for years, I have high LDL and HDL is really high so the ratio they tell me is for the nothing to worry about as they both balance each other. But i should try to decrease my intake of fats. Now that is if you adhere to the overall medical consensus at the moment in the world. We have linked high fat diet and high cholesterol as contributors to heart disease through correlation studies, it is important to note that this consensus is changing and it contested by a lot of cardiologists and experts in the field

Cholesterol is actually quite important in the body, it is the precursor to all hormones, they are all made from it. You body actually produces 4 times as much as you consume, you eat more cholesterol it produces less, you eat less it produces more.

Please take a look at this Doctors position on it, Uffe Ravnskov, MD, PhD, just search google for him.

So its a bit up in the air at the moment whether or not high cholesterol is actually bad for you if you are otherwise healthy and active person.

Sugar, especially refined, is more and more becoming understood to the be real cause of coronary heart disease and many other diseases.

Have a look into to it..

09-02-18, 15:08
There was another thread about this.

First off, no, you won't have a heart attack because your bloods are off and you're still young.

Think of this as a warning sign and gift. You now have the opportunity to make positive lifestyle changes that will prevent one in the future.

I had the same issue, didn't listen, abused the heck out of myself and paid the price.

Proper diet, weight control, exercise... all the things your doctor is telling you. LISTEN!

Positive thoughts