View Full Version : Hands/fingers constant trembling/shaking/tremor

09-02-18, 12:26

First time poster but have been reading so many useful posts on here since my anxiety flared just before Christmas. It all began with some unexplained pains which I became adamant were something serious, however tests and many doctors confirmed all was well. But I believe I got myself so worked up during that time that began the viscious health anxiety cycle noticing more and more things going on.

Long story short, my doctor's prescribed citalopram as I told them I cannot cope with the constant obsession of googling and focussing on the worst thing that could be wrong. I have also began talking therapy this week.

My main concern now is my hands. They are constantly trembling, like at rest they're ok-ish, but if I point or hold my hand up my fingers literally bounce up and down. I noticed this a few days before I began citalopram (20mg) and don't feel it's got any worse but I am trying not to panic that it is something worse than anxiety related.

Can anyone relate/reassure/advise? I'd be very grateful.

Laura x

09-02-18, 12:45
Hi Laura - sorry to hear your struggle. I’ve struggled with using Dr google and obsessing over what’s wrong with me. It is completely normal. You are looking for answers as to why you feel this way! It is a human behaviour To do that and to try to find out what we can do about it. Unfortunately for us - Dr google can be addictive and can bring up many things which would never have crossed your mind... this then fuels the anxiety and it makes it tougher... sometimes the only respite you get is when you are searching. Ultimately there is no real answer - it is anxiety which therefore means it can create any symptom and mimic any illness or disease out there. Your mind can create the evilest of symptoms to out you through. Only this morning I really thought is anxiety really the reason I have been so ill for last 2 years.... what if it’s a brain tumour etc... when realistically I know it is anxiety and I have beat it before and so will you... therapy is a great place to start and also maybe do some online learning instead of googling. X

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09-02-18, 12:52
Thanks so much for replying. What you've said is exactly it! I am trying to recognise the hand/fingers issue as anxiety but I'm slowly starting to consider it might be something worse and I just want to hear someone tell me they've been through it and it was anxiety.
It's so awful to be like this but I'm hoping the meds and therapy will help soon.

Laura x