View Full Version : tips on handling an anxiety provoking situation

09-02-18, 14:32
so, y'all know about my flu fear. and i'm not asking for reassurance :scared15:
but i would like some tips, suggestions, etc on how to handle my anxiety today.
i have to go to an indoor track meet tonight. a huge place with a ton of people. i am terrified. i can wash my hands and all that, but with that many people in an enclosed area, i'm so scared i will be exposed to the bad flu (H3N2 flu A)that is going around. flu is usually transmitted by airborne particles from coughing, sneezing, yelling or just talking. lots of people will be yelling for their kids tonight(me included :)
my son just got over the milder type B flu, but i'm more concerned about the type A.

so,what are some things that i can do to ease my anxiety. i am so anxious right now, and i know while i'm there, i will be on high alert...then for the next few days, i'm sure it will be hard as well.

so, i'm asking you to give me any encouragment or suggestions that you might have.

thanks so much

09-02-18, 15:20
Well I don't think you want to sit there dressed for surgery with scrubs, mask and gloves so bring some hand sanitizer with you, avoid shaking hands etc. Common sense is all you can do. Ohhhh and ENJOY THE MEET AND HAVE FUN! Don't allow the dragon to take the joy out of your life!

Positive thoughts

09-02-18, 15:32
I discovered I could hold my breath for a really long time if someone coughe or sneezed close to me....tee hee....in queues at the supermarket I can do it for absolutely ages. Seriously....

1.Nobody is going to be going to an event if they already have the flu, they will be too ill. So, thats one thing to remember, people with 'active' flu will be home in bed.
2.Try not to touch your hands to you mouth, nose or eyes unless you've just washed them well. If you've touched door handles, chairs and the like then don't eat without washing your hands. Use some hand sanitiser a few times.
3. As FMP said above, don't let it stop you going or enjoying the event!

09-02-18, 18:20
hi. thanks. it's not going to stop me from going no way.
i guess i'll try to hold my breath LOL
i used to tell myself the same thing about sick people, like peole with the flu are too sick to be here, but then i learned you are contagious a day prior to getting any symtpoms.
they don't serve alcohol at these things.... dang it!