View Full Version : Post viral symptoms after stomach flu

09-02-18, 15:41
Hello everyone,

6 days ago I got a really bad stomach flu, and I couldn't keep any liquids in and became quite dehydrated ( I found out from my visit to the doctor that my blood pressure was at 96/50 - and heart rate quite high at 96) I was also sleeping all the time.

The past days I am now able to eat normally, but I still feel so weak and faint. Then I start panicking about my symptoms which then get worse. I feel so tired still, and I feel that it isn't normal. Does anyone have any similar experience from getting the stomach flu?

09-02-18, 15:50
I got that stomach crud on Jan 17th. It kicked my arse! (literally!). It's been three weeks and this week is the first time I started feeling better. Patience grasshopper ;)

Positive thoughts

09-02-18, 16:15
Hi. What you're describing isn't post-viral anything so don't worry. It's just getting better from a nasty bug. You can expect to feel better for short periods and then worse again, particularly if you do too much - that's all normal.

09-02-18, 17:17
I went down with a similar bug 2 weeks ago today. Today is the first day I've felt really hungry and been able to eat normally. I had a whole week off work and when I returned on Monday I felt so spaced out, weak and still had headaches.

I also developed sore glands a few days after it and was still really sweating at night.

Thankfully I actually feel like I'm getting back to myself now.

I don't know what it was but it's the worst stomach bug I've ever had and knocked me for six.

Give it a few days and you should start to feel more like yourself.