View Full Version : JUst checking that 'negative' smear result means 'normal'?

09-02-18, 15:54
Hi there
I have just been checking with my GP when my next smear test is due and it's in May 2020, last one being May 2015 (am over 50 now so five years). My previous three tests over the last nine years have all been 'negative' according to the receptionist - I am presuming that 'negative' does mean 'normal'??

09-02-18, 16:47
Yes it does

09-02-18, 17:48
Thanks, I thought it did.

10-02-18, 21:48
Hi there - I had an abnormal smear test result back when I was about 28 - possibly 25+ years ago. Since then all my subsequent smear test results have been normal (negative) - my next one is now due in 2020 which will be five years since the last one in 2015 (now I'm over 55). I'm panicking a bit about this gap as it's longer than the usual three years but the Doc has said that they won't do an earlier one i.e. this year. She also said that they take into account any past history when recalling for next smear. I guess I am worrying myself silly that the abnormal cells might come back - I am sure this is irrational and my husband thinks I am nuts but my HA will not let this go! Please help if you can. Thanks.

11-02-18, 08:05
Good luck. I’m sure you have much anxiety. I think you will be fine though. It’s hard not to worry. Will you keep us posted?

11-02-18, 08:42
You could always pay for a private smear test? Then have your NHS one when it's due in a couple of years.

11-02-18, 16:14
Yes Pulisa I was thinking of doing that but am struggling to find somewhere near me that does them? Also thought about going to see our Practice Nurse to talk to her about it and whether there is any sense of urgency. I suspect she will tell me to wait the 2 years and she’s probably right - I just worry about so many things, if it wasn’t this it would be something else!