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View Full Version : I can walk the dog no problem but occasionally when I talk I run out of breath mid

09-02-18, 18:32
hi all, I've been searching Google for assistance with my symptoms and found this forum...

As mentioned in the title I've been to the docs and my oxygen levels are fine, I blew into a tube and he said that was fine. felt my jaw and neck arc no issues there. I've got slight discomfort when taking a deep breath.

from what I've total him I has occasional difficulty swallowing so he's referred me for a camera down my throat and a chest and throat xray. bloods were also taken which have come back ok. I guess the x-ray which I had last week is ok as I've heard nothing back.

I've got the camera down my throat next week..

I've got myself all worried, I've previously suffered from anxiety and depression which is creeping back in. I'm trying to remain positive but it's always hard to stop a wandering mind...

Bizarrely I feel fine other than the embarrassment of loosing my breath occasional when I talk :(

I did have flu at new year during which I was poorly. I'm hoping what's happening to me is linked to that :(

28-01-19, 16:59
how are you doing now?