View Full Version : Broken big toe

10-02-18, 19:51
Our two Labradors were fighting and a few minutes ago our biggest one fell over and on me, my little toe really hurt and i weren't too concerned as those bones heal however my big toe really hurts now and i'm afraid she's broken it :weep: Parents are out for the weekend away so can't drove to A and E and think calling an ambulance is an over-exaggeration x

10-02-18, 20:05
Yes, calling an ambulance would be a gross over-reaction, infact I'm sure they wouldn't send one for that ! :winks:

There is some advice on this page, nearer the bottom saying 'how to treat it at home', 'when to go to the hospital' and 'when to see your doctor'. Hope this helps you decide what is best.....and if you think you fit the 'go to a and e' route, then is there anybody else who could drive you ?


Could a dog falling on a toe break it.....? Maybe I suppose given the right angle?

10-02-18, 20:15
I've broken several toes before. Even if you were to go to the ER for X-rays, they can't do much for it anyway other than tape them together and give you one of those shoes with the metal sheet in it so the toes don't move.

You need to do the RICE treatment. Rest, Ice, Compression (taping them together) and Elevation. After that, if you can wiggle them in a few days, you know it's not a break but just bad bruising.

10-02-18, 20:25
You could call 111 for advice