View Full Version : Epsom Salt Bath, Skin Burning Sensation

Sesame Seed
11-02-18, 04:21
Another question, as I have so many. Just curious if anyone else has had skin burning issues with anxiety/stress?

I don't get it all the time, but lately I've noticed (though I do not always feel 'anxious' or 'stressed' when this happens), when I take a bath that sometimes the back of my thighs and buttocks burns. It's very specific. I don't add a ton of epsom salts and I've never ever had an issue with them despite using them for years. Water temperature isn't crazy hot and it doesn't bother any other part of my body. Some times it is totally fine, other times I get a burning sensation for a few hours. No redness, nada.

I have also noticed sometimes my hands burn in plain water too, it's really weird, even if it's not super hot.

Definitely has triggered anxiety attacks, now I kind of accept it. I've had issues outside of water with burning, cold, or sensations of water dripping down my leg which I've been told is nerve issues from bulging disks in my back and my scoliosis which has gotten worse due to stress induced muscle tension for so long. However the water issue with and without the salts is totally new in the last couple of months.

If anyone has experienced this or anything like it, I'd love to hear from you.


28-02-18, 23:29
I've also notice burning sensations after an Epsom salt bath. It makes just my back area slightly above the waist burn.It happens frequently but not always, I have no idea why. I did wonder if it was anything to do with the magnesium content of the salts. I have used magnesium oil on my legs which burned and stung the first time and gradually got less each time I used it.

I also get the other burning sensations you speak of in my legs and feet too sometimes (not connected to baths or magnesium) This symptom lasted for 5 months when i first had it and was painful and worrying.i still get it sometimes, especially when anxious. My dr tested iron and vit d levels but they were ok. Maybe it would be worth getting yours checked? My dr ended up shrugging and saying its probably anxiety or restless legs. I also had fleeting feeling that someone was touching my lower leg with a hot wet towel. I felt it was a nerve issue tho. Still get these sypmtoms sometimes. Best wishes, ruth

01-03-18, 00:18
the salt doesn't always completely dissolve. So you are most likely sitting on the salt rocks and its irritating your skin. I know when I take a bath with epsom salt I will notice the salt at the bottom of the tub after draining it.

01-03-18, 01:22
I've also notice burning sensations after an Epsom salt bath. It makes just my back area slightly above the waist burn.It happens frequently but not always, I have no idea why. I did wonder if it was anything to do with the magnesium content of the salts. I have used magnesium oil on my legs which burned and stung the first time and gradually got less each time I used it.
I get burning sensations in my legs and feet too sometimes. This symptom lasted for 5 months when i first had it and was painful and worrying.My dr tested iron and vit d levels but they were ok. Maybe it would be worth getting yours checked? My dr ended up shrugging and saying its probably anxiety or restless legs. I also had fleeting feeling that someone was touching my lower leg with a hot wet towel. I felt it was a nerve issue tho. Still get these sypmtoms sometimes. Best wishes, ruth

Probably touching an area deficient in magnesium? Could also be areas where there are breaks in the skin.