View Full Version : Worried about my poor sleeping habits

11-02-18, 05:58
I've been sleeping poorly for years now. I generally get over six hours of sleep, but just not at the right times. I am worried about it and do know that insomnia is a risk factor for some cancers and diseases. It's really scary. I hate how I cannot keep up a persistent sleeping pattern. I always end up having to restart it again by staying awake all night and gradually restarting the time I fall asleep back to 11 PM time. So, I'd be tired by 8 AM, then 10 AM the next day, 12 AM the next, etc, up to I get it to 11 PM again. It would be fine for a short while and I'd have a night where I can't sleep and it's messed up again. Turning everything off and only doing boring stuff a few hours before bed did help extend the period where it was normal but as I said, it messes up again eventually. Sometimes I only end up getting 3 hours of sleep. I'm worried about the cancers and diseases I could end up getting because of this.

11-02-18, 06:14
Who says that insomnia causes cancers, I've never heard that one? If that's what you believe then you could end up in a vicious cycle ie, worry about not sleeping then worry even more about a disease, which leads to less sleep and so on. If you can't sleep just relax, get up and have a drink of milo and read a book or write and don't worry.

If you are anxious or depressed you should see your Dr and ask about an antidepressant which might help you sleep and restore your former sleep pattern. I'd keep away from sleeping tablets as they can become habit forming

ps The Dalai Lama (Buddhist spiritual leader) only sleeps for about 4 hours per night. My own father was a chronic poor sleeper and he died at 87 from pneumonia due to infection (not through lack of sleep). I'm also a poor sleeper and do have some health issues but not cancer! I think you have to think about this rationally.

11-02-18, 06:51
If insomnia was such a huge risk factor, I would have a lot of cancers by now.I have been a poor sleeper my entire life and am fine. Talk to your doc about your sleep issues.