View Full Version : Mom has lung cancer

11-02-18, 06:35
I found out yesterday that my 80 yr old mother has lung cancer. She is telling me that it was caught early and will only need 5 radiation treatments. I can't help but think she is not telling me the whole story because she knows how fragile I can be. I don't really know why I am posting here but I just wanted to talk to someone. I am very scared for her on top of always being scared for my self.

Thanks for listening.


11-02-18, 06:54
Sorry I can't be of much help but I hope you're doing okay and she is too. Just be there for her and try to stay positive and fight through it.

11-02-18, 06:57
Sorry to hear your mother has been diagnosed with this. She may be telling you the truth, as some cancers that appear in the elderly can be less aggressive.
If you are taking her for some of her radiation treatments, you could ask her Dr/specialist.

Just an idea, take care x

11-02-18, 08:31
Very good advice, WiseMonkey.

You must be very shocked by this news and will automatically assume the worse but your Mum is in all likelihood telling you the truth and you will be able to find out more from her doctors who can tell you what the treatment plan is.

Please keep posting on here if it helps to lessen your anxiety in any small way? Your main priority is supporting your Mum of course but maybe we can help to support you?

11-02-18, 18:26
I'm fairly sure she would tell you the truth with something like this. My friend's father was diagnosed with lung cancer and it also was at that very early stage that all he needed was a few radiation treatments and is now cancer free. I hope everything will be okay <3

12-02-18, 01:43
Really sorry to hear about your mum :hugs:

I agree with everyone else. Catching it early greatly raises the chances of successful treatment. I hope she recovers fully from this.

12-02-18, 01:57
Thinking of you and keeping your mom in my thoughts. She will be cancer free soon. Try to stay strong for her!

12-02-18, 02:26
Praying for your mom!! *Hugs*