View Full Version : Strange symptoms /Anxiety

11-02-18, 09:19
My name is Eleonora and i'm from italy (so forgive me if my english is not perfect)
I have a serius health anxiety problem that started in July 2014. I woke up one day and I felt like all my left side was somehow tighter in my clothes than my right side. It is difficult to explain this if you can't feel it but I will try to explain.
I know everyone is a little asymmetrical but suddenly it was as I could feel every little asymmetry in my body. My left arm, shoulder, breast and back felt suddenly tighter inside my clothes as if I was wearing a tight band around all this zone.
I've always had very slight scoliosis and it didn't get worse according to my orthopedic (it is barely 10 degree curve...barely a real scoliosis). So, according to my doctor it is not my back the problem.
Then I noticed that my left bresat was larger (I was on bc pill and it was it that caused my asymmetry) but according to my doctor and my gynecologist nearly every woman has it and it doesn't cause my problem.
Not convinced I had two ultrasounds that were absolutely clear but found two lymphnodes of about 1 cm under both armpits (obviously my left armpit started to hurt even if my bigger lymphnode was on the right side).
These lymphnode were declared nothing to worry about but today I can still feel the pain under my left armpit even if i had it checked again in 2016 and there wasn't any palpable lymphnode anymore. So why does it hurt? Nobody knows.

I started to wear loose clothes that didn't bother me(I had only two "good" shirts that I would wash and reuse hundreds of times).
Clothes sent shivers on my left side but only when I was clothed (when I'm naked I don't feel those shivers)
I continued with my research but I found nothing like my symptoms on the internet. I consulted a neurologist in August 2015 but he found nothing wrong apart for my scoliosis and said it was anxiety.
I started to wear normal clothes again and my symptoms started to lessen over time. But what started as a "tight sensation" became real panick attacks.
I'll try to explain batter.
Now I wear pretty much everything and it doesn't bother me but everytime I feel my clothes a little bit tighter on my left side I have a panic attack. During this moments I think of my symptoms like they are something else, something that is on my body but is not part of my body (I don't know if this makes sense)
I attempted suicide after a particulary bad panic attack.
I went to a psychiatrist who diagnosed me with some mild bipolar dysorder and prescribed me an EEG (clear) blood tests for hormones as my mother and her brother had both tyroid cancer (clear) . She gave me escitalopram and clonazepam and referred me to a therapist.
I have to be honest I feel much batter now but my symptoms are still slightly there.
I went to another neurologist that excluded again both my scoliosis and my breast asymmetry as part of the problem and prescribed me a MRI after I pratically begged her even if she didn't see a real reason to do so (in Italy you can have this type of prescriptions only if your doctor is 100/ sure you need it...that's why I never had one before in four years...according to my doctors there was nothing wrong with me)
Now i'm waiting for my MRI.

symptoms now:
Sense of being restricted by my clothes when I move my left arm.
I can't wear bras anymore because the left cup is tighter under my breast and my left strap is tighter on my shoulder and left side of my back. My left strap falls down my shoulder constantly.
I feel constantly rotated because of this sensation.
My left armpit hurts
I can't seem to walk straight even if I don't have leg weekness.
I think about it all the time and I'm going crazy!!!

Fears/Health anxiety :
Brain tumor
Spinal tumor/degeneration/collapse ecc (I don't have back pain)
Breast cancer
I'm honestly scared I have some serious problem and I'm eventually going to die one day.
You would say : You attempted suicide and are scared of death?
Yes. I would prefer suicide to dying of an unknown, overlooked disease.
But I'm also scared of living the rest of my life like this.

I don't know what to do. If simeone could answer me and give me advices /talk about their experiences that would be much appreciated.

11-02-18, 09:23

I would say that the illnesses you are afraid of would have presented more symptoms after four years. It is really very likely to be anxiety. Parlo italiano ma non perfettamente, se vuoi scrivami. (I speak Italian but it's not perfect - write to me if you like).


15-02-18, 07:21
So I found out my armpit pain is caused by an ingrown hair :doh: so nothing to worry about at least in my armpit...

04-08-18, 07:05
Now I'm scared I have breast cancer. I can't sleep at night but I won't be doing another test (I've had 5 tests to my breast) but I'm scared anyway

05-08-18, 12:45
Hi Kiko, reading your post reminded me of body dysmorthia. Have you had any therapy for HA?

10-08-18, 09:51
Yes! I've been diagnosed with body dysmorphia and I'm currently having therapy and a lot of meds. Today I'll have my last neurological exam than I'll concentrate on my therapy with a peaceful mindset. Wish me good luck!

11-08-18, 07:20
My neurological exam was perfect!

17-08-18, 10:30
I'm afraid my symptoms and anxiety are just a symptom of brain cancer... Could it be possible?

17-08-18, 13:40
No chance.

A lot of what you say sounds like common anxiety symptoms.

Usually the simplest answer really is the right answer!

Glad to hear that you are working on getting better!

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

17-08-18, 13:59
Yes I'm working hard to get better. Most of my days now are good but during the summer is more difficult (August carries the memory of my grandpa dying in front of me)

10-09-18, 09:02
I just found out my grandma has liver cancer and the doctors can't do nothing to help her. I'm dying from anxiety attacks right now. My meds are not helping much right now.
I know it's just anxiety but I need to talk to someone right now. It feels like my chest is so tight I can't breat.

12-09-18, 04:38
I'm sorry to hear about your grandma. I think it's normal to feel much more heightened anxiety when a loved one is struggling, even for people who aren't usually prone to anxiety attacks. Your body is reacting to a big stress.

I guess what I'm saying is, don't be upset at yourself for being anxious at this time and having trouble with it.

Sent from my Moto G (5) Plus using Tapatalk

13-09-18, 10:35
Ciao! Mi dispiace molto per tua nonna, deve essere uno stress immenso per te. Come non bastasse il ricordo di tuo nonno. :(

Non ho mai provato sensazioni come le tue, ma il nostro corpo č una cosa strana, a volte molto strana. E l'ansia č un amplificatore potente, qualsiasi prurito, dolore o tensione, se ci fai caso, diventa enorme, "reale". Immagino sia cosė anche per le proporzioni del corpo. Tu stessa dici che i sintomi si sono ridotti con il tempo, quindi sono sicura che non sono niente di preoccupante.

Ti faccio tantissimi auguri di stare meglio. :flowers:

08-12-18, 06:37
My grandma died on Tuesday.
I lost my beloved cat a month ago too. Now I'm experiencing a lot of anxiety and my symptoms are all I can think about. My breast hurt and I believe I have breast cancer right now. I can't shake this feeling out of my head. Please help me, right now my meds are doing nothing to help me!

05-03-19, 07:43
I'm here again after months of being fine.
My medications are not helping, I stopped with university, I surrender...
If my life must continue like this I want to die...
I don't want to live anymore... I'm tired of this... I remember when I was fine and I know that time passed and won't come back... My life is ruined... Nothing makes me happy anymore... Called my psychiatrist and said I was thinking about killing myself... So today I've an appointment with her... Don't know what to do I hate everything of me... I hate my asymmetrical breast, hate my asymmetrycal scoliotic body and I'm in so much pain right now I can't stand it anymore... Probably I'm already dying from an undiagnosed illness... My left breast hurts constantly and I'm sure there's something there but nothing showed up... All they say is "you're fine"
But I remember what it is like to be fine and it is nothing like what I feel now... There is really something going on in my body and nobody cares... I'm tired... It can't be all in my head... It is too real

05-03-19, 07:49
I hope your appointment goes well today.

Please don't give up hope? I've been in a position where my anxiety was so bad I couldn't envision feeling normal again, but I made it back from there and so will you.

Please take care of yourself?

05-03-19, 08:15
Yesterday a guy my same age killed himself and all I could feel was envy... He did what I'm too of a coward to do.. It would be so easy if someone took me and checked all my body parts to see if there's something wrong with me... It would help me... But No one cares... I know for certain there's something wrong inside me...so I thought maybe if I stop taking care of myself... If I stop taking my medications... If I stop living my life someone will help me... I feel like my life is over anyway...

05-03-19, 08:31
Just hold on until you get to see your psychiatrist, Kiko.

There are people who will be glad to help you, but you need to help yourself as well. You deserve that help, and you deserve to care about yourself.

05-03-19, 09:15
Then what? In July it will be five years... Five years of pain, sadness... I don't even remember what it feels like to be normal... I really can't remember... So what can the psychiatrist do for me? I would love to be happy again but I can't see it happen... And as life goes on I can only think "how can I have a family if I'm like this? How can I work after university? How can I care for my parents when they will be old?" maybe if I'm gone it will be easier for them

05-03-19, 09:18
I don't know, I'm not a psychiatrist.

All I know is that feelings are temporary, and they change.

05-03-19, 11:36
So... I called and took an appointment with a breast surgeon to have an ultrasound to my breast... I can't really feel a lump but it hurts constantly so I won't wait until it becomes metastatic breast cancer... I will go on Fryday morning... I don't know what to hope for... If he founds anything I will fight it

07-03-19, 12:05
So... If someone is still reading this... I'm out
I've been to my psychiatrist who didn't bother to understand my problems and shouted at me that I only need to take my medication (I'm doing it by the way and they're not helping...) now my psychiatrist called my psychologist and I don't know what she said to him because now he's somewhat furious with me... I'm out...
What a shitty birthday!

07-03-19, 12:08
I really hope your day gets better. Do you have anything planned?

07-03-19, 12:25
So... If someone is still reading this... I'm out
I've been to my psychiatrist who didn't bother to understand my problems and shouted at me that I only need to take my medication (I'm doing it by the way and they're not helping...) now my psychiatrist called my psychologist and I don't know what she said to him because now he's somewhat furious with me... I'm out...
What a shitty birthday!

That's awful and unacceptable. I think you should complain. There is no excuse for belittling people - especially by a so-called "mental health professional" :lac:

08-04-19, 10:37
I'm having an anxiety attack right now and I'm alone... My chest hurts and I can't breath I don't know what to do!

08-04-19, 10:46
I'm having an anxiety attack right now and I'm alone... My chest hurts and I can't breath I don't know what to do!

I think you would benefit from meditation. Download an app called Headspace (if it is available in Italy). It's very good at anxiety attacks and is very calming. Or, YouTube guided meditation videos which will help calm you.

08-04-19, 10:48
Headspace is brilliant, I agree!

09-04-19, 03:03
Your psychiatrist and psychologist acting like that towards you is extremely unprofessional behavior. Can you find a better one?

It really sounds like you need that help to deal with it. You keep returning to this thread like it's a form of medication but you shouldn't have to depend on us to overcome your anxiety. We can provide pointers but it does really sound like you need to find a mental health professional that will treat you with dignity and respect.

11-04-19, 11:25
I know this forum isn't my medicine but sometimes I just want to talk with someone and I can't bring myself to call my psychologist when I'm having an anxiety attack... I can't talk to my sister or my mother because all they say is "get over it" 🙄my main symptom disappeared a while ago (so I think this is a little progress) but I still get anxiety attacks from time to time... This one in particular revolves around my kitten. After my 12 years cat died in November, I took another cat but now all I can think about is that he's going to die soon because I can't take good care of him... It's like my health anxiety ended up on his health...