View Full Version : Hello!

11-02-18, 10:08
Morning all. I’ve been lurking for a few months, but thought it was time to say hello.

I’m mid 40s and first started experiencing anxiety in my early 20s. It was quite general, but had a big affect on my life. I became agoraphobic and gave myself all sorts of scares. Anyway, it went in my 30s. Hurrah!

Fast forward to losing both my parents and having a baby, and it came back in my 40s with a vengeance. Fear of losing the family I had left, avoidance & health anxiety. I did a group CBT course last year which I found very helpful, but it highlighted my avoidance behaviour, and since then I’ve sort of avoided helping myself to get better. My health anxiety has got quite bad, and I’m currently suffering reflux and heartburn daily. I was just prescribed a 28 day of 20mg omeprazole, (That I avoided taking for 4 days due to fear of side effects) and I started it today. Waiting to see if that clears up my reflux, or if it’s something more (in my head of course it’s something more).

I work part time, and find that I rarely suffer anxiety at work. I quite enjoy work stress as I find it’s something I can control.

I self referred for more cbt recently and I’m waiting for it to start. In hindsight I may have started the last lot of therapy too soon after the loss of my Dad.

Anyway, hello! You all seem very nice, welcoming and reassuring. I hope that I can bring something helpful to the forum too. I’ve read a lot of the articles and found them really well written and informative. They’ve inspired me to start a diary again and to take up the sewing hobby I’ve been toying with.

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11-02-18, 14:46
Hiyer Scass,

Welcome out of the lurking shadow. It sounds like you are very proactive about your mental health and your recovery (even having read the articles here !). Losing both your parents, and having a baby, is a LOT to deal with in a short time frame......so its not surprising that at times like this the hidden germ of anxious behaviour pops its head up again. Looking forward to seeing you around. :D

11-02-18, 17:16
Thanks Carys [emoji4]

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11-02-18, 21:10