View Full Version : I feel like I am going crazy. Chronic dizziness and no answers.

11-02-18, 17:37
At what point do we realize our symptoms are from anxiety. I feel like I am living in the twilight zone, I've lost touch with reality, I live in fear.

10 months ago, I got BPPV. A very common type of positional dizziness. It's very to easy to treat, with a 95% success rate at first try. It happens when the calcium crystals in the inner ear migrate towards the semi-circular canals and give our brain mixed signals about where we are in space.

Anyways, around the same time, I also developed these strange headaches that would always occur in my left ear. Every 2 to 3 days, I would have to take an Advil. Although I was previous headache sufferer, it did not feel "normal" especially because they were always happening in the same place.

My left ear started getting other symptoms too like tinnitus, hyperacusis, dizziness. I don't know if the headaches were causing the dizziness or if it was left over dizziness from the BPPV in my right ear, but I am still dizzy.

It's still positional in nature. Sometimes, if I focus on it, my left ear feels full. If I look down and then look straight, I am disorientated for 1-5 seconds.

I've had every vestibular test, I've had an MRI, I've had a CT scan of the head, blood work, X-rays, etc. And they are all normal. Some of the vestibular testing I had noted some faint right ear imbalance but perhaps not even to cause what I am experiencing.

Of course, I am always focused in it, thinking they haven't caught something. Why is my left ear affected only? I worry every day about it being early Meniere's Disease... I can't stop thinking about it.

I've read on various forums that Meniere's is more pronounced episodes of ear fullness with spinning vertigo, but I am just so scared it may be too early in the disease...

Can anyone help?

12-02-18, 15:55
Hey there,

Sorry to hear you're struggling! I can certainly relate to what you're going through. I've had months of unexplained dizziness. It's been a lot better recently, mainly just due to me knuckling down and trying to really beat my anxiety.

Try to break that vicious cycle of constantly thinking about it, as soon as I let my brain wonder into that realm it's very hard to stop and you find the dizziness won't leave you alone.

Try to distract yourself with healthy pursuits. Spend more time outdoors, less screen time and focus on really relaxing. Also, trust the highly trained professionals you have checked you out in numerous ways and found nothing scary.

The mind is unbelievably powerful and can work against you if you let it!

Keep your chin up!

12-02-18, 16:22

I can sympathise as I experience similar symptoms of dizziness, off-balance, head pressure, a stiff neck and an overall feeling of going crazy. I do not have the answer but am due to see a specialist very shortly, what I can confirm is these problems seem to arise more when in environments am not happy - which tends to suggest anxiety as the mind is working against us.

This morning did not feel too bad, but during the afternoon I can feel the brain fog moving in - my colleague talks very loudly on the phone and am sure this is elavating my anxiety. People drive me nuts............

15-02-18, 23:14
I just ask, why is it only in my left ear. And when I don't have a headache, there seems to be a mild, nonpainful throbbing in that region. I don't know if it's amplified because I constantly seem to be focusing on it..

It seems to happen more when I sit down at my computer but either than that, it's always there...